Scholarship FAQs
Many students have questions about the scholarship application process, so be sure to visit our scholarship FAQs page for more detailed information.
Internship Support Fund
Please note, there is a separate application process for the Internship Support Fund. It was created to provide financial support to students who have secured a competitive internship that provides valuable career experience but is unpaid.
College and Department Academic Scholarships
The academic scholarship application period for incoming transfers and current students is currently closed.
Incoming freshmen can apply for scholarships now through March 19, 2025.
College of HRSM Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a major or graduate degree in the College of HRSM
George Rogers Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a major or graduate degree in the College of HRSM
Henry D. Jacobs Jr. Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students pursuing a major in the College of HRSM; enrolled full-time (12 or more hours); family income of no more than 2.75 times the current national poverty level as determined by the University’s Financial Aid/Scholarship Office.
Roy and Marnie Pearce Family Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen pursuing a major in the College of HRSM
Smith Family Access Endowed Scholarship for the College of HRSM
Jerry Gepner Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students pursuing a major in interdisciplinary studies
Bob and Anna Tronco Williams Lizard's Thicket Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a major or graduate degree in HTMT
Chef Jules Pernell Memorial Scholarship Fund: Current undergraduate students pursuing a major in HTMT
Donald H. Mill Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students pursuing a major majoring in HTMT
Gary and Jane Green Endowed Scholarship: HTMT students interested in a career in managed hospitality services
Larry Ginocchio Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Current undergraduate students pursuing a major in HTMT
Pooser Bicentennial Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a major or graduate degree in HTMT; demonstrated financial need
Sean and Melissa Potter Scholarship: Current students pursuing a major in the Hospitality and Tourism department; preference giving to out-of-state students
Statler Foundation Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students enrolled in the CarolinaLIFE program pursuing a major in HTMT
Thomas K. F. Wong Hospitality Endowed Scholarship: Current students pursuing a major in HTMT
Michael B. Moody Scholarship for Academic Excellence: Current students, graduate or undergraduate, pursuing a major in retail management or fashion merchandising and digital innovations
Yahya Muhammad Endowed Scholarship Fund: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students pursuing a degree in RETL
Blayne Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a major or graduate degree in SPTE
Craig S. Kelly Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students pursuing a major in SPTE
Dan Reeves Sport & Entertainment Management Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students pursuing a major in SPTE
David and Nicole Tepper Charitable Foundation Scholarship: Provides four-year scholarships to four incoming sport and entertainment management freshmen each year, funding approximately half of their tuition costs. In addition, scholars also benefit from direct mentorship and participate in additional enrichment opportunities throughout their four years of study in the program. Note, there is a separate application process for this award.
Harold A. White Endowed Scholarship: Current graduate student pursuing a graduate degree in SPTE
Howard "Humpy" Wheeler Endowed Scholarship: Preference given to underrepresented students to support diversity and inclusion in higher education for students pursuing a major in SPTE
Janice and Peter O'Malley Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen students pursuing a major in SPTE
Jim Hunter Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students pursuing a major in SPTE
Korey Banks Family Endowed Scholarship: Supports students majoring in sport and entertainment management, with a particular focus on helping underrepresented student populations and socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Preference will also be given to out-of-state students, with particular attention given to students from the state of New York.
Max Mason Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Current undergraduate students pursuing degrees in the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management with preference given to those associated with the sport and entertainment management fraternity, Sigma Psi Mu. Sigma Psi Mu is the co-ed professional sport and entertainment management fraternity founded at the University of South Carolina.
Weems O. Baskin, Jr. Scholarship in Sport Administration: Incoming freshmen or current undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a major or graduate degree in SPTE; minimum GPA of 3.0.
College Travel Scholarships
The travel scholarship application period is currently closed.
Scholarship(s) may be awarded to provide support for international initiatives including internships and field studies to a worthy student (graduate or undergraduate) who is a major in one of the baccalaureate or graduate programs in HRSM.
The HRSM Alumni Society will fund scholarships toward a college-sponsored domestic travel course/trip and toward industry-related conference attendance/travel.
The HRSM Alumni Society will fund scholarships toward a college-sponsored international travel course/trip.
This $1,000 scholarship is awarded to underrepresented students in HRSM who study abroad with SAI Programs, including (but not limited to) students identifying as a racial/ethnic minority, students with a disability, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, US military veterans, and students with financial need. Recipients submit monthly social media contributions.
This $300 scholarship is awarded to students in HRSM who study abroad with SAI Programs who are first-generation college students. Recipients submit monthly social media contributions.
Full-time students enrolled in the hospitality management program who will spend a semester abroad earning at least 3 credit hours, including enrollment in a foreign language course and maintain a GPA of 2.75.
Additional Opportunities
The following application periods vary depending on the scholarship.
You have no doubt heard someone say, “There are thousands of scholarships worth billions of dollars out there just waiting for students to claim. …” At the University of South Carolina, we strongly encourage you to identify and pursue any scholarship opportunities that will help you pay for your annual educational expenses. And we can help you find them.
Non-institutional scholarships can be based on a variety of criteria including but not limited to academic merit, financial need, community service, area of study, organizational affiliation, place of residence or employment, and ethnic or religious background.
In addition to HRSM scholarships, scholarships are also available through the American Hotel and Lodging Educational Foundation. If you have questions about applying for AHLEF scholarships, contact Georgia Petritsis in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management for more information.
The NRF Foundation Next Generation Scholarship is the pinnacle achievement for students interested in pursuing careers in retail. This opportunity was created for students of various academic backgrounds who have demonstrated leadership skills, previous retail experience and a passion for making an impact.
HRSM Alumni Society Fund Recipients
Carlo White, Brelyn Head and Ryne Helvie received scholarships from the HRSM Alumni Society Fund that allowed them to travel abroad for a Maymester course in Italy.
Scholarship Donor Howard "Humpy" Wheeler
The Howard "Humpy" Wheeler Endowed Scholarship Fund gives preference to underrepresented students to support inclusion in higher education for students pursuing a degree in sport and entertainment management.