Administrative Core
The Administrative Core (AC) ensures the full integration of the four Research Projects, the Community Engagement Core, and all internal and external partners into one thematically driven research Center.
The Administrative Core (AC) ensures the full integration of the four Research Projects, the Community Engagement Core, and all internal and external partners into one thematically driven research Center.
The Environmental Microbiology Project aims to better understand how climate change may influence Vibrio virulence.
The Harmful Algal Bloom Project lends support in achieving the overarching goal of assessing the effects of climate change on the antibiotic resistance and/virulence of Vibrio bacteria.
The Environmental Chemistry Project's goal is to develop a climatically sensitive model of the production, fate and sedimentary burial of harmful algal bloom toxins in the context of microbial quorum sensing.
The Environmental Toxicology Project studies the detailed mechanistic role of both microplastics and microcystins in causing long term pathophysiology.
The goal of the (OHHC2I) Community Engagement Core is to Translate results from the four research projects.