Faculty |
Anderson, Brandi, Ph.D, LICSW, SSW, CFSW, RYT |
Director of the I. DeQuincey Newman Institute and Director of Innovative ACCESS (Access, Culture, Community Engagement, and Student Success) |
777-2064 |
bbrisker@email.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Bell, Nathaniel, Ph.D. |
Director of Research and Evaluation |
803-576-6781 |
nateb@mailbox.sc.edu |
IFS/IHPR Institute for Families in Society |
Faculty |
Bosio-McArdle, Jennifer , MSW |
Lecturer |
803-777-0383 |
bosio@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Browne, Teri, Ph.D., MSW |
Dean |
Professor |
803-777-6258 |
brownetm@mailbox.sc.edu |
professor, academic, teri, browne, associate, dean, faculty, research |
Staff |
Carter-Moore, Felissa |
Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration |
803-777-3349 |
fcarter@mailbox.sc.edu |
administrative, dean, finance, administration |
Staff |
Cato, Camea, M.Ed. |
Graduate Academic Advisor |
803-777-6492 |
catocam@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Cote, Steven |
Director of Enrollment |
803-777-3372 |
scote@mailbox.sc.edu |
steven, cote, recruiter |
Staff |
Crawford, Kimberly |
Field Education Placement Manager |
803-777-3599 |
crawfo22@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Davis, Joe, B.A. |
Grants Administrator |
(803)-576-8405 |
davischa@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
DeHart, Dana, Ph.D. |
Research Professor Emerita |
803-777-7867 |
dana.dehart@sc.edu |
dean, research, professor, dana, dehart |
Faculty |
DiNovo, Rhonda, LISW-CP, ADC |
Assistant Professor / MSW Program Director |
Director, Graduate Certificate in Drug and Addiction Studies Coordinator; and Continuing Education in Psychodiagnostics, Psychopathology and Ethics |
803-777-9374 |
dinovo@mailbox.sc.edu |
Rhonda, DiNovo, Clinical, Professor, MSW Program Director |
Faculty |
Doering-White, John, Ph.D., MSW |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-7252 |
doeringj@mailbox.sc.edu |
Doering-White, College of Social Work, Ph.D., MSW |
Staff |
Eggerud, Jillian, LMSW |
Enrollment Management Specialist |
803-777-9453 |
eggerud@mailbox.sc.edu |
enrollment, jillian, eggerud |
Faculty |
Elkins, Lana Hart, LMSW |
Clinical Senior Lecturer, Director of Assessment & Compliance |
803-777-9469 |
lhelkins@sc.edu |
Staff |
Epps, Ja-Nae, MASCL |
Development and Alumni Relations |
803-777-7185 |
jmepps0@mailbox.sc.edu |
development, alumni, events |
Faculty |
Farber, Naomi, Ph.D., MSW, ACSW |
Associate Professor |
803-777-8816 |
naomif@mailbox.sc.edu |
Naomi, Farber, MSW, Associate, Professor |
Faculty |
Flynn, Cynthia, Ph.D. |
Research Coordinator |
Assistant Research Professor |
803-777-1378 |
cynthiaf@mailbox.sc.edu |
Cynthia, Flynn, Child, Family, Studies |
The Center for Child and Family Studies |
Faculty |
Gowdy, Ann, Ph.D, LISW-CP, MSW |
Lecturer |
777-6993 |
EGOWDY@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Grace, Breanne, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-9911 |
breanneg@mailbox.sc.edu |
Breanne, Grace, Associate, Professor |
Faculty |
Hock, Robert, Ph.D., LMSW |
Associate Professor |
803-777-5861 |
roberth@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Hunter, Stephanie , DSW, LMSW |
Assistant Professor |
SGHUNTER@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Iachini, Aidyn, Ph.D., MSW, LSW |
Professor and Associate Dean of Research and Faculty |
803-777-2373 |
iachini@mailbox.sc.edu |
Aidyn, Iachini, Professor |
Staff |
Jackson, Atavia |
Human Resources Coordinator |
803-777-3906 |
jacksoal@mailbox.sc.edu |
Atavia Jackson, human resources |
Staff |
Johnson, Shania, BS |
Assistant to the Associate Dean of Curriculum |
803.777.9077 |
shaniamj@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Lail, Avril T., LMSW |
Interim Director of Field Education |
803-777-3702 |
lail@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Levkoff, Sue, ScD, MSW, SM |
Professor |
803-777-4521 |
slevkoff@mailbox.sc.edu |
Sue, Levkoff, Professor |
Faculty |
Lopez-De Fede, Ana, Ph.D |
Distinguished Research Professor Emerita, Institute for Famililes in Society |
803-777-5789 |
adefede@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Luke, Parthenia |
Bridge to Faculty Postdoctoral Fellow |
777-3701 |
LUKEP@email.sc.edu |
Staff |
Malloy, Tamara |
Assistant to the Dean |
803-777-9434 |
tmalloy@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Marshall, Lynda |
Learning Experience Designer |
LYNDAM@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
May, Anna, MSW |
Undergraduate Academic Advisor II |
Study Away Coordinator |
803-777-1545 |
MAY8@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Meade, Bianca, MSP, MSFP |
Graduate Academic Advisor |
803-777-9258 |
Bw96@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Montgomery, Victoria, MMC |
Assistant Dean for External Affairs |
803-777-9462 |
vmontgom@mailbox.sc.edu |
victoria, montgomery, executive, assistant, president, AASWSW |
Dean's Office |
Staff |
Moore, Nicholas |
Web Communications/Creative Services Manager |
803-777-6245 |
ntm1@email.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Morgan, Candice, Ph.D., MSW |
Assistant Professor |
Instructor |
803-777-9456 |
morgancr@email.sc.edu |
Candice Morgan, Greenville, social work, instructor, MSW, coordinator |
Staff |
Morris, Dale |
Administrative Assistant |
803-777-5291 |
morris5@mailbox.sc.edu |
administrative |
Staff |
Osborne, Morgan, MSW |
Field Education Placement Manager |
803-777-9820 |
angelao@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Ottone, Michael, LISW-CP, CPM |
Interim Undergraduate Program Director, Senior Instructor |
Coordinator, Combination Degree Programs and Non-Credit Continuing Education Courses |
803-777-5563 |
ottone@mailbox.sc.edu |
Michael, Ottone, Clinical, Instructor |
Faculty |
Owens, Shaun, Ph.D., MPH |
Associate Professor |
803-777-0384 |
owenso@mailbox.sc.edu |
Shaun, Owens, Professor |
Faculty |
Penney, Patrice, MSW, LISW-CP-S, Approved Supervisor |
Assistant Professor, Coordinator, Trauma-Informed Practice Certificate |
803-777-9461 |
patricep@mailbox.sc.edu |
Patrice, Penney, Clinical, Professor |
Faculty |
Popa-Mabe, Melania , Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
704-619-1341 |
melania@mailbox.sc.edu |
Melania, Popa-Mabe, clinical, professor |
Faculty |
Price, Janay , MSW, LISW-CP |
Lecturer |
JANAYP@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Roth, Benjamin, Ph.D., MSW |
Associate Dean for Curriculum |
803-777-9352 |
rothbj@sc.edu |
Benjamin, Roth, Professor |
Faculty |
Seay, Kristen, Ph.D., MSW |
PhD Program Director |
803-777-4221 |
kdseay@mailbox.sc.edu |
Kristen, Seay, Professor, associate, ph.d. |
Faculty |
Shapiro, Cheri, Ph.D. |
Director, Institute for Families in Society |
Research Associate Professor |
803-777-8760 |
cshapiro@mailbox.sc.edu |
Cheri, Shapiro, Research, Professor |
Staff |
Singleton, Sonya |
Assistant Dean for Students |
803-777-9436 |
sonya.singleton@sc.edu |
dean, students |
Staff |
Steen, Isabel , LMSW |
Assistant Director of Development |
704-608-9562 |
isabel.steen@sc.edu |
development |
Staff |
Strickland, Mary Grace, LMSW |
Program Recruiter |
(803)777-9909 |
mgs8@email.sc.edu |
recruit, enrollment |
Staff |
White, Stephanie W. |
Senior Director of Development |
803-777-8220 |
sbw5@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Williams, Brantley |
IT and Building Coordinator |
803-777-9701 |
williabe@email.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Wolfer, Terry, Ph.D., MSW |
Professor |
803-777-9486 |
terryw@mailbox.sc.edu |
Terry, Wolfer, Professor |
Faculty |
Woo, Bongki , Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-3511 |
woob@mailbox.sc.edu |
Bongki, Woo, professor |
Faculty |
Wooten, Nikki, PhD, LISW-CP |
Associate Professor |
Coordinator, Social and Behavioral Health with Military Members, Veterans and Military Families Certificate program |
803-777-2973 |
wootennr@mailbox.sc.edu |
Nikki, Wooten, Professor |
Faculty |
Xu, Yanfeng, Ph.D., MSW |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-2215 |
yanfeng@mailbox.sc.edu |
College of Social Work, Yanfeng, Xu, Ph.D., MSW |