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Career Center

Job Shadowing for Employers

The USC SpursUp Shadow Program is an opportunity for you to host students at your organization for a day (in-person) to provide industry and career insights. Giving your time by volunteering can make a real and positive impact on a student. 

Program Details

You can host multiple students on the same day. Please ensure you have enough staff members present to provide one-on-one interaction opportunities for each student.

Our goal is to match every employer volunteer host with a student; however, there may be circumstances where this is not possible depending on student or program needs. We are exceptionally grateful for your interest in the program. 

Participants will be matched based on responses to the registration questions including preferences selected by students and overlap in interests, background and location. You will receive an email notification once you are matched to your student. 

Why Participate?

Providing a student the opportunity for career exploration supports them on their USC and career journey and should be a fun and rewarding experience for you both. You'll find that your own career, too, can be enhanced by the time and effort you put in, as you hone your coaching skills and become familiar with the new generation of Gamecocks entering the workforce.

What Might Your Day Look Like?

Depending on the nature of the host's industry and organization, job shadowing may consist of:

  • Introducing your student to your professional space
  • Providing a resume review or informational interview
  • Letting them know about internships and entry-level positions in the field
  • Spotlighting an aspect of your career or current project
  • Advising them about networking in your industry

What Is Required of Me as a Host?

After your match is introduced, contact the student/students with the shadow date/time and other details. As a host, you can prepare by reviewing Employer Guide to Day of the Shadowing and implementing what you feel the student would benefit from learning. Please review the Code of Conduct before joining the program. 


Q: Should I take my student to lunch?
A: Please provide your student(s) with a meal and snacks as appropriate for your time together. 

Q: Can I ask my student to sign an NDA?
A: Yes.


If you are interested in being a host employer, please fill out the interest form

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
