Arts and Languages
Learn a new language or brush up your graphic design skills. Popular courses include American Sign Language and graphic design.
We call our collection of intellectually stimulating lecture series, workshops and explorations Carolina Classroom. These fun and interactive "short" courses are taught by current and retired university faculty, alumni and experts in the Midlands community. It's the affordable way for lifelong learners like you to engage in new opportunities and experience the great resources of our university and state.
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!
Learn a new language or brush up your graphic design skills. Popular courses include American Sign Language and graphic design.
Ready to craft a masterpiece? Our jewelry, floral, and craft making workshops were designed for you!
Focus in on your finances, health and wellness. Popular courses include retirement planning and wellness classes to improve your life balance.
Learn about the beautiful world that awaits beyond traditional classroom walls!
We continue to add new classes to our schedule all of the time. If you have ideas
for a new class you'd like us to offer or would like to teach a course in your area
of expertise, please email pep@mailbox.sc.edu.