The faculty committees are under the auspices of the Faculty Senate and the membership and means of appointment are given in the USC Columbia Faculty Manual. The official listing of faculty committees and their respective missions is in the faculty manual. Faculty committees are distinctive from Special Advisory Committees because they are governed by faculty of the university.
The Faculty Senate Office will issue a call for nominations for faculty committees
near the end of each fall semester. Please respond to this call or contact the appropriate chair
if you are interested in serving on a particular faculty committee.
2023-24 Faculty Committees
Select a committee below to view members, chair contact information and the committee charge.
This committee shall consider appeals of cases decided by the Carolina Judicial Council regarding Honor Code violations. The committee shall consist of five faculty members elected for staggered three-year terms. The committee will assist the Office of Academic Integrity in periodically reviewing the Honor Code and share updates with the Faculty Senate. Members will receive annual training by the Office of Academic Integrity regarding due process, scope, and correspondence, prior to serving on the committee.
Kasie Whitener, Darla Moore School Of Business, Management (2025)Suzanne Sutton, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2025)
Joanna Scoggins, Arnold School Of Public Health, Comm Sciences And Disorders (2026)
Shelli Gibbs, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2026)
Amanda Murphy, College Of Arts And Sciences, Statistics (2027)
This committee shall consider policies on undergraduate entrance examinations, admissions, and readmissions and may recommend changes in policy to the Faculty Senate. To assure conformity with undergraduate admissions policies, the committee may review policies and changes proposed by faculties of the various academic units. The committee shall act on appeals of applicants for admission who fail to fulfill established standards of admission or readmission. Of the ten members, five shall be elected by the faculty and five appointed by the provost. Two faculty representatives shall be elected each year for a term of three years, except every third year, when only one member shall be elected. The director of admissions shall serve as secretary, ex-officio.
George Roy, College Of Education, Instruc & Techr Education (2025)Orgul Ozturk, Chair, Darla Moore School Of Business, Economics (2025)
Deepak Bhere, School Of Medicine Columbia, Mdc Path-micro-immunology (2026)
Julie Sease, College Of Pharmacy, College Of Pharmacy (2026)
Alberto Maydeu, College Of Arts And Sciences, Psychology (2027)
Richard Verzyl, ex officio, Enrollment Management, Enrollment ManagementChristopher Holcomb, College Of Arts And Sciences, English (2025)
Khara Cox, Sumter Campus (2026)
Kunio Hara, School Of Music, School Of Music (2026)
The committee will review and monitor admissions decisions and the academic performance of all student-athletes by regularly receiving appropriate and relevant information regarding the 8 academic eligibility and progress of student-athletes, including graduation rates. The committee also receives reports on, reviews and advises, as appropriate, the Faculty Senate, the NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR), the president, the director of athletics, and the Board of Trustees on the following: annual inter-collegiate athletic program schedules and major changes to them; the annual budget of the Athletics Department; admissions decisions for athletes receiving grants-in-aid; NCAA certification reports, including Title IX reports; major requests for waiver of any institutional athletic policies; major changes in Athletics Department personnel (specifically the director of athletics, director of the academic support unit, and head coaches for each sport); the needs, interests, and concerns of student athletes; all other issues regarding inter-collegiate activities as referred to it by University officials. The committee will make at least an annual, written report of its activities to the Faculty Senate, the president, and the director of athletics. Membership of the committee will be six elected faculty members; three student members, (one undergraduate student-athlete who serves as either president or president-elect of the Student Athletics Advisory Committee; one undergraduate student appointed by the president of the student body; and one graduate student appointed by the student government with the consent of the Graduate Student Association; one member of the Board of Trustees appointed by the permanent chair of the Board; the FAR; one representative from the Division of Student Affairs; and the director of athletics; and one at-large representative from the faculty, appointed by the president.
Kara Montgomery, Arnold School Of Public Health, Undergraduate Student Services (2026)Clinton Webb, School Of Medicine Columbia, Mdc Cell/dev Bio & Anatomy (2027)
Dj Schepker, Chair, Darla Moore School Of Business, Management (2025)
Mary Horton, University Libraries, Library Administration (2026)
Michael Wirth, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2026)
Deena Isom, College Of Arts And Sciences, African American Studies (2027)
Ray Tanner, Athletics, AthleticsEva Monsma, College Of Education, Dept Of Physical Education (2025)
Kirsten Kennedy, Division Of Student Affairs And Academic Support, Housing (2026)
Pearson Dhillon, Undergraduate Representative, Darla Moore School Of Business (2025)
Vacant, Undergraduate Representative, President/President-Elect of Student Athletics Committee
This committee serves to mediate any disputes between students or faculty and local bookstores whose primary purpose is to serve the university community. Faculty members, students, or bookstores with problems should contact the chair of this committee. The committee should also report any major problems to the Faculty Senate with recommendations. In addition to the six elected faculty members, one graduate and one undergraduate student shall serve on the committee.
Marius Valdes, College Of Arts And Sciences, School Of Visual Art Design (2027)Sabrina Habib, College Of Information And Communications, Sch Of Journ & Mass Comun (2026)
Stacy Winchester, Chair, University Libraries, Library Digital Resources (2026)
Nicole Cooke, School Of Information Science (2025)
Monica Colon-aguirre, College Of Information And Communications, School Of Information Science (2025)
Malissa Mulkey, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2027)
Abigail Elliott, Undergraduate Representative, College Of Arts And Sciences (2025)This committee will consider and recommend to the faculty, action on all requests for new or
revised curricula leading to any formal recognition other than graduate degrees or first
professional degrees in law, medicine and pharmacy. The committee will also consider, and
recommend to the faculty, action on all requests for the institution, modification, or deletion of
courses and of any prescribed programs of study that do not fall within the purview of the
graduate faculty. The committee will review the various university curricula with special
attention to duplication or obsolescence of courses. The committee will consist of twelve faculty
members, elected for terms of three years. In addition to the members elected by the faculty,
non-voting ex officio members of the committee will represent the Office of the Provost, the
Office of the University Registrar, University Advising Center, the Graduate School, one
graduate student and one undergraduate student.
Visit committee page.
Emily Mann, Arnold School Of Public Health, Health Promo Edu And Behavior (2027)Allen Kanapala, Palmetto College, Sa Palmetto College (2025)
Bill Knapp, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - H&t Mgmt (2027)
Elina Levina, College Of Arts And Sciences, Biological Sciences (2025)
Sharon Gumina, College Of Engineering And Computing, Integrated Information Tech (2025)
Karen Brown, University Libraries, Research Instruction Reference (2026)
Margaret Selph, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2026)
Brian Habing, College of Arts and Sciences, Statistics (2025)
Edward Gieskes, College Of Arts And Sciences, English (2027)
Elizabeth Watson, Darla Moore School Of Business, Economics (2027)
Crystal Murphree-holden, Arnold School Of Public Health, Comm Sciences And Disorders (2027)
Michael Dickson, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, Philosophy (2027)
Trena Houp, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Distributed Learning Supp SerEdmund Short, ex officio, Enrollment Management, Office Of The Registrar
Jenn Tilford, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, University Advising Center
Malia Kiehl, ex officio, Enrollment Management, Office Of The Registrar
Bj Beckham, ex officio, Enrollment Management, Office Of The Registrar
Angelina Sylvain, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Graduate School
Patton Byars, Undergraduate Representative, College Of Arts And Sciences, Political Science (2025)
This committee shall advise the faculty and administration on all matters pertaining to the general policies and operations of the university that lie outside or cut across the responsibilities of other standing committees. It shall initiate studies and make recommendations to the faculty and administration regarding any matters affecting the general welfare of the university that faculty members, faculty bodies, and administrative officers refer to it. It also shall review proposals of other standing committees and recommend procedures for their implementation. The committee consists of eight elected members; the chair of the Faculty Senate, the provost, and vice provost responsible for faculty development are ex officio members.
Mark Minett, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, English (2026)William Sudduth, Chair, University Libraries, Government Info And Maps (2025)
Biplav Srivastava, College Of Engineering And Computing, Computer Sci & Eng (2026)
Jabarie Glass, School Of Music, School Of Music (2025)
Mindy Fenske, College Of Arts And Sciences, English (2027)
Brian Arreola, marketing (2027)
Susan Kuo, School Of Law, Law Office (2027)
Nancy Tolson, College Of Arts And Sciences, African American Studies (2025)
Wayne Outten, ex officio, College Of Arts And Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry (2025)Donna Arnett, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Office Of The Provost (2025)
Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Office Of The Provost (2025)
This panel will review administrative decisions and make recommendations in personnel matters involving faculty, including but not limited to grievances (as defined in “Academic Grievance Procedures,” accusations of workplace incivility (as defined in “Workplace Civility”), and recommendations to terminate faculty for cause (as defined in “Termination of Faculty for Cause”). In most cases, disputes will progress through several stages of investigation and attempts at resolution before reaching the panel. These stages differ according to the type of complaint and are specified in policy and in the aforementioned sections of the Faculty Manual. The panel may consider cases involving faculty as respondents or complainants. As complainants or respondents, faculty have the right to appeal administrative decisions to this panel before final resolution. The panel will consist of nine elected members for staggered three-year terms. All members of the panel will be tenured full professors or tenured librarians, and, at the time they commence a term of service on the committee, a year shall have elapsed since their last service, if any, on the University Committee on Tenure and Promotions. Faculty members appointed to administrative positions such as department chair, assistant dean, or associate dean are not eligible to serve on this panel. The Office of the General Counsel or its designee will train the panel annually in due process, standards of evidence, requirements for reporting, maintaining confidentiality, and other matters as may be deemed essential in the execution of the panel’s functions. In its annual report to the Senate, the panel will document the number, nature, and resolution of all cases it hears.
Mike Harley, School Of Music, School Of Music (2027)Shanna Schaffer, University Libraries, Collection Management (2027)
Karen Clenney, University Libraries, Research Instruction Reference (2025)
Jeff Dudycha, College Of Arts And Sciences, Biological Sciences (2027)
C Stoeltzner, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, Philosophy (2025)
Bob Mullen, College Of Engineering And Computing, Civil And Env Engineering (2025)
Drew Martin, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - Hrtm (2025)
Nicole Cooke, School Of Information Science (2026)
Angela Liese, Arnold School Of Public Health, Epidemiology And Biostatistics (2027)
The committee will consist of sixteen members: six elected members, the current and immediate past chairs or their designees of the Faculty Advisory Committee and the Welfare Committee, the chairs or their designees of the IT Committee and the Curricula & Courses Committee, the chair of the Faculty Senate, and the past chair or the chair-elect of the Faculty Senate; the provost and a representative of the Division of Administration and Finance will serve ex officio (nonvoting). This committee will serve as a liaison between the university administration and the university faculty (through the Faculty Senate) on matters pertaining to the university budget, advocates the faculty perspective on matters of budget and budgetary policy, and provides a venue for discussing faculty questions and concerns about the university budget and budgeting process. To accomplish its purpose, the Faculty Budget Committee will have input into university budget policy in two ways. First, the chair of the Faculty Budget Committee, two other elected members, and the chair of the Faculty Senate will be welcomed to attend the president’s budget hearings. Second, members of the committee will represent the faculty on any permanent committee that may be established by the administration as part of the university-wide budget review process.
Toni Torres-mcgehee, Arnold School Of Public Health, Department Of Exercise Science (2027)Mark Maltarich, Darla Moore School Of Business, Management (2025)
Christie Martin, Chair, College Of Education, Instruc & Techr Education (2026)
Varsha Kulkarni, College Of Arts And Sciences, Physics & Astronomy (2027)
Kevin Lu, College Of Pharmacy, Clinical Pharm And Outcome Sci (2025)
Matthew Brown, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - Spte (2027)
Mark Minett, Committee Representative, College Of Arts And Sciences, English (2025)Peter Chametzky, College Of Arts And Sciences, School Of Visual Art Design (2026)
Liam Hein, Committee Representative, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2025)
Wayne Outten, College Of Arts And Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry (2025)
Kelly Epting, ex officio, Division Of Administration And Finance, Budget Office
Sarah Carroll, Committee Representative, Darla Moore School Of Business, Economics (2025)
This committee will consider university policies and the enforcement of policies regarding the welfare of the faculty, such as faculty salaries, other compensation and benefits, and any matters affecting the workplace environment. The committee may recommend appropriate changes or the enforcement of existing policy, propose new policies, or comment upon proposed university action affecting faculty welfare. Major changes in academic affairs policy should be forwarded to the Faculty Advisory Committee for its consideration. In addition to the six elected faculty members, there will be one faculty member from the regional Palmetto Colleges elected by the Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Senate and two members appointed by the provost. A representative of the Office of the Provost will serve ex officio.
Amie Freeman, Chair, University Libraries, Library Acquisitions (2025)Dan Brackmann, School Of Law, Law Library (2026)
Liam Hein, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2025)
Meir Muller, College Of Education, Instruc & Techr Education (2027)
Katie Klik, Palmetto College, Un Palmetto College (2025)
Suzy Hardie, Chair, College Of Education, Educ Leadrshp & Policies (2025)
Kiesha Wilson, School Of Medicine Columbia, Mdc Path-micro-immunology (2027)
Donna Arnett, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Office Of The Provost (2025)Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Office Of The Provost (2025)
Silke Henrich, College Of Engineering And Computing, Chemical Engineering (2027)
Sarah Waheed, College Of Arts And Sciences, History (2027)
This committee shall recommend recipients of honorary degrees to the president and the Board of Trustees. The provost or appointed representative shall be ex-officio chair.
Varsha Kulkarni, College Of Arts And Sciences, Physics & Astronomy (2026)Tom H. Regan, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - Spte (2026)
Teresa Bowers, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2026)
Xuewen Wang, Arnold School Of Public Health, Department Of Exercise Science (2026)
Alex Reynolds, College Of Arts And Sciences, Psychology (2027)
Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, Chair, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Office Of The Provost (2025)The Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee provides a faculty voice in assessing and planning Information Technology (IT) services, resources, and infrastructure for administration, instruction, and research at the University of South Carolina. The committee shall consist of eight elected members of the voting faculty; one graduate student representative; one undergraduate student representative; and no more than six ex-officio representatives, typically one each from the Division of Information Technology (DoIT), Research, the University Libraries, the Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR), the Office of the Provost, and the Office of the University Registrar. The composition of the committee shall reflect the need for expertise in the complex field of IT and general interest of the University faculty.
Specific charges to the committee are:
- To survey periodically faculty, staff, and students regarding the efficacy of IT resources including general services, resources and infrastructure that support the missions of teaching, research, and service.
- To assess the compatibility of available and planned IT services, resources, and infrastructure with the University’s ambition as a locally, nationally, and internationally-regarded teaching and research institution.
- To ensure that faculty have a meaningful role in future development of IT at the University of South Carolina by: maintaining and publishing a list of all standing committees related to IT.
- To make recommendations to the Faculty Senate for changes in IT services, resources, and infrastructure based on the information, assessment, and analysis resulting from the committee’s work in points 1-3 above.
Paula Vasquez, College Of Arts And Sciences, Mathematics (2026)Brent Appling, University Libraries, Collections (2026)
Sarah Carroll, Chair, Darla Moore School Of Business, Economics (2025)
Elizabeth Regan, Chair, Arnold School Of Public Health, Department Of Exercise Science (2026)
Ashley Gess, College Of Education, Instruc & Techr Education (2026)
Elie Kfoury, College Of Engineering And Computing, Integrated Information Tech (2027)
Michael Grant, College Of Education, Educ Leadrshp & Policies (2027)
Vacant, Vacant
Aaron Marterer, ex officio, Enrollment Management, Office Of The RegistrarPaul Sagona, ex officio, Division Of Information Technology, Research Cyber Infrastructure
Heather Heckman, ex officio, University Libraries, Library Technologies
Debbie Kassianos, ex officio, Office Of Research, Research Infrastructure Suppor
Tina Dennis, ex officio, Division Of Information Technology, Division Of Information Tech
Maura Hamilton, Undergraduate Representative, Enrollment Management, Undergrad Admissions (2025)
This committee will initiate studies and make recommendations to the faculty and administration to enhance the practice and status of teaching. It will review and initiate as necessary policies governing: the approval of new courses and curricula; general education requirements; co-curricular activities; as well as student evaluation and faculty assessment of instruction. In addition, the committee will coordinate instructional innovation efforts with such bodies as may be established administratively or by the faculty for such purposes, to include innovation efforts with respect to learning spaces and instructional technology. The membership of the committee will include seven faculty members elected for staggered three-year terms. The provost will appoint four other faculty members, for staggered three-year terms, to guarantee broad representation of the colleges and academic ranks. The president of the student body with confirmation of the Student Senate and the Graduate Student Association, respectively, will appoint one undergraduate and one graduate student to one-year terms; a representative from the Center for Teaching Excellence will serve ex officio. Additional ex officio members may include representatives from the Office of the Provost, Distributed Learning Support Services, Graduate School, the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics, and the Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee.
Gregory Trevors, College Of Education, Educational Studies (2027)Brie Dunn, College Of Pharmacy, Clinical Pharm And Outcome Sci (2027)
Andrew Yingst, ex officio, Palmetto College, Lan Palmetto College (2025)
Kunio Hara, Chair, School Of Music, School Of Music (2026)
Stephanie Armstrong, Chair, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2025)
Laura Truell, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - Spte (2025)
Kelsey Westbury, College Of Arts And Sciences, Criminology And Crim Justice (2026)
Meeta Banerjee, College Of Arts And Sciences, Psychology (2027)
Karen Edwards, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm (2026)Lara Lomicka Anderson, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Office Of The Provost (2026)
Alexandria Carrico, School Of Music, School Of Music (2025)
Yang Wang, College Of Education, Instruc & Techr Education (2026)
Latrice Ratcliff-small, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Oiraa
Maura Hamilton, Undergraduate Representative, Enrollment Management, Undergrad Admissions (2025)
Vacant, Graduate Representative, Graduate
This committee shall consider cases involving intellectual property, including patent and copyright matters, and shall be the intellectual property advisory body within the university. In addition to the six elected faculty members, there shall be three members appointed by the provost. The director of the Technology Commercialization Office, or a representative of that office, shall serve ex officio.
Sara Donevant, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2027)Jay Potts, School Of Medicine Columbia, Mdc Cell/dev Bio & Anatomy (2026)
Leigh Pate, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2025)
Rafael Becerril Arreola, Darla Moore School Of Business, Marketing (2025)
Rosemarie Booze, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, Psychology (2026)
Mvs Chandrashekhar, College Of Engineering And Computing, Electrical Engineering (2027)
Charles Hardaway, ex officio, Office For Innovation, Partnerships, And Economic Engagement, Office Of Economic EngagementGeorge Lampl, ex officio, Office Of General Counsel, Office Of General Counsel
Peter Binev, College Of Arts And Sciences, Mathematics (2026)
Linda Shimizu, College Of Arts And Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry (2026)
Tessa Davis, School Of Law, Law Office (2026)
This committee shall consider and review matters concerning the status and funding of the libraries that are under the supervision of the dean of libraries. The committee shall consist of eleven members: seven elected from the faculty, including one member of the teaching faculty of the regional Palmetto Colleges elected by the Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Senate; three at-large faculty members appointed by the provost; and the dean of libraries, ex officio. No college shall have more than two elected members, and no department shall have more than one elected member.
Kasie Whitener, Darla Moore School Of Business, Management (2027)Valerie Byrd-fort, College Of Information And Communications, School Of Information Science (2025)
Melanie Palomares, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, Psychology (2025)
Aidyn Iachini, College Of Social Work, Col Of Social Work (2025)
Karen Worthy, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2026)
R. Mac Jones, Palmetto College, Palmetto College Academic Aff (2026)
Karen Mcdonnell, Chair, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2027)
Brett Robertson, College Of Information And Communications, Sch Of Journ & Mass Comun (2026)David Banush, ex officio, University Libraries, University Libraries
The University Committee on Professional-Track Faculty is responsible for 1) reviewing and approving college, school, and academic policies regarding professional-track faculty; 2) proposing and reviewing university wide policies regarding professional-track faculty; and 3) advising the Faculty Senate and the administration regarding issues related to professional-track faculty. The committee shall consist of seven members: five elected faculty members including a majority of professional-track faculty members, one member elected by the University Committee on Tenure and Promotion, and a representative of the Office of the Provost serving as an ex-officio member (voting) of the committee.
Marco Valtorta, College Of Engineering And Computing, Computer Sci & Eng (2025)Sheryl Mitchell, Chair, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2026)
Celeste Caulder, College Of Pharmacy, Clinical Pharm And Outcome Sci (2025)
Aaron Dicker, College Of Arts And Sciences, English (2027)
Dwayne Alleyne, College Of Nursing, Advanced Prof Nrsng Practice (2026)
Tammiee Dickenson, College Of Education, Research, Evaluation, Measurem (2027)
Kate Chappell, Chair, College Of Nursing, Professional Nursing Practice (2025)Lisa Hammond, ex officio, Division Of Academic Affairs And Provost, Office Of The Provost
This committee shall consider matters concerning university academic requirements, standards, policies, and practices. It shall review changes proposed by colleges and shall make recommendations to the appropriate faculty or the Faculty Senate. Decisions of a college committee concerning academic regulations may be appealed to the university committee by either the student involved or the dean of the college. Grounds for appeals shall be limited to a contention that a university academic regulation was misinterpreted or that the college committee hearing was fundamentally unfair. The appealing party shall describe in writing the basis for the appeal and shall provide available supporting information. If the committee considers an appeal, it may confirm the decision of the college committee, return the case to the college for reconsideration, or under exceptional circumstances reverse the decision of the college committee in matters involving the interpretation of university regulations. In addition to the six elected faculty members, there shall be two student members. The director of admissions and the registrar, or representatives of those offices, shall serve as ex officio members.
Bill Knapp, Chair, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - H&t Mgmt (2025)Brett Altschul, College Of Arts And Sciences, Physics & Astronomy (2026)
Allison Sweeney, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2025)
Jennifer Mcardle, College Of Social Work, Col Of Social Work (2026)
John Burrow, College Of Arts And Sciences, Criminology And Crim Justice (2027)
Zachary Winkelmann, Arnold School Of Public Health, Department Of Exercise Science (2027)
Richard Verzyl, ex officio, Enrollment Management, Enrollment ManagementAaron Marterer, ex officio, Enrollment Management, Office Of The Registrar
Spencer Barnwell, Undergraduate Representative, South Carolina Honors College, South Carolina Honors Col (2025)
Vacant, Graduate Representative, Undergraduate
This committee shall serve as a nominating committee and as a planning body that studies issues confronting the university and recommends action to be taken by existing faculty committees, the faculty, and administration. The committee is composed of the nine chairs of the following committees: Admissions, Athletics Advisory, Curricula and Courses, Faculty Advisory, Faculty Budget, Faculty Welfare, Scholastic Standards and Petitions, Information Technology, University Committee on Promotion and Tenure, and one faculty member appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate. The Provost and Parliamentarian shall serve as ex officio members.
Marco Valtorta, Secretary, College Of Engineering And Computing, Computer Sci & Eng (2026)Mark Minett, College Of Arts And Sciences, English (2025)
Amie Freeman, University Libraries, Library Acquisitions (2025)
William Sudduth, University Libraries, Government Info And Maps (2025)
Liam Hein, Chair-Elect, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2025)
Orgul Ozturk, Darla Moore School Of Business, Economics (2025)
Wayne Outten, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry (2025)
Dj Schepker, Darla Moore School Of Business, Management (2025)
Bill Knapp, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - H&t Mgmt (2025)
Lauren Sklaroff, College Of Arts And Sciences, History (2025)
Chris Nesmith, Palmetto College, Palmetto College Academic Aff (2027)The University of South Carolina System Faculty Leadership Council provides a representative voice in system affairs and facilitates collaboration among the faculty organizations comprised in the University of South Carolina system. With respect to functions the Board of Trustees delegates to University administration, the Council has a consultative function: it represents the will of the system's faculties to such bodies as may be established to administer system affairs and serves as a means by which system administrators may communicate with faculty. The Council coordinates faculty governance in those areas where the Board of Trustees delegates legislative powers to the faculties of individual campuses, including but not limited to standards of admission, granting of earned degrees, and curriculum. In no instance will the Council usurp authority previously delegated to campus faculties by the Board of Trustees. The USC Columbia Faculty Senate will elect three representatives to the University of South Carolina System Faculty Leadership Council, including one representative from the Palmetto College and any other representatives as required by the bylaws of the Council. The chair of the Faculty Senate (or designee) will also serve on the Council.
Cheryl Addy, College Of Nursing, Biobehavioral Hlth Nrsng Scien (2028)Shelley Jones, Palmetto College, Palmetto College Academic Aff (2025)
Charley Adams, Arnold School Of Public Health, Comm Sciences And Disorders (2025)
Wayne Outten, College Of Arts And Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry (2025)This committee shall publish guidelines for departmental tenure and promotion criteria and procedures, approve departmental tenure and promotion criteria and procedures, review all tenure and promotion cases, and make tenure and promotion recommendations to the president. It shall be composed of twenty‑four tenured full professors, fifteen elected by the faculty and nine appointed by the president or designee. No more than three elected members may be from any single college or school except the College of Arts and Sciences, which may have up to nine elected members. Of the nine appointed members, no more than two may be chosen from any single college or school. The elected members shall be nominated by a committee composed of the members of the Faculty Senate Steering Committee, and the eight persons completing their terms on the Tenure and Promotions Committee. The nominating committee shall nominate a slate of ten, from which the voting members of the faculty shall elect five persons. Each voting faculty member may vote for up to five nominees. No person shall serve more than three years consecutively, and no department chair, assistant or associate dean, or dean shall be a member of the committee.
Sali Li, Darla Moore School Of Business, International Business (2025)Jorge Camacho, College Of Arts And Sciences, Lang, Lit, And Cultures (2027)
Susan Felleman, College Of Arts And Sciences, School Of Visual Art Design (2025)
Scott Decker, College Of Arts And Sciences, Psychology (2027)
Craig Butterfield, School Of Music, School Of Music (2026)
Lori Pennington-gray, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - H&t Mgmt (2025)
Lauren Sklaroff, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, History (2025)
Brandon Applegate, College Of Arts And Sciences, Criminology And Crim Justice (2026)
Yi Sun, College Of Arts And Sciences, Mathematics (2025)
Lucy Spence, College Of Education, Instruc & Techr Education (2025)
Hexin Chen, College Of Arts And Sciences, Biological Sciences (2026)
Scott Gwara, College Of Arts And Sciences, English (2026)
Tanvir Farouk, College Of Engineering And Computing, Mechanical Engineering (2026)
Alan Waldman, College Of Arts And Sciences, Biological Sciences (2027)
Swann Adams, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2027)
Sarah Williams, School Of Music, School Of Music (2027)
Chin-tser Huang, College Of Engineering And Computing, Computer Sci & Eng (2025)Bo Cai, Arnold School Of Public Health, Epidemiology And Biostatistics (2027)
Phillip Buckhaults, College Of Pharmacy, Drug Discovery And Biomed Sci (2025)
Dongmei Li, Darla Moore School Of Business, Finance (2026)
Anwar Merchant, Arnold School Of Public Health, Epidemiology And Biostatistics (2026)
Scott Bauries, School Of Law, Law Office (2026)
Christine Distefano, College Of Education, Educational Studies (2027)
This board conducts hearings and rules on cases involving the dismissal of tenured faculty members for cause. It also resolves disagreements between the provost and any unit over the content of unit post-tenure review standards and procedures. The seven members of the board shall be tenured faculty, two appointed by the president or designee and five elected by the faculty for staggered three‑year terms.
Subra Bulusu, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, Sch Of Earth, Ocean, & Envmt (2027)Steven Liu, College Of Education, Educational Studies (2026)
Mark Nagel, College Of Hospitality, Retail And Sport Management, College Of Hrsm - Spte (2027)
Bert Ely, College Of Arts And Sciences, Biological Sciences (2026)
Vacant, Faculty Member
Daniela Friedman, Arnold School Of Public Health, Health Promo Edu And Behavior (2026)Bret Kloos, College Of Arts And Sciences, Psychology