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Carolina Core


The Carolina Core curriculum has 10 learning outcomes each with specific credit hour requirements. The Core begins with foundational courses early in the undergraduate experience, followed by an integrative course near the end in which selected Core learning outcomes are integrated into the chosen major. 

A minimum of 31 credit hours are required to complete the Core.

Talk with an advisor about Carolina Core course selection. Carefully choosing your courses with the guidance of an advisor can enrich learning and help you graduate on time.

Core Learning Outcomes

Individual requirements may be met with Stand-Alone (meets one learning outcome) or Overlay (meets two learning outcomes) approved courses.  However, the total Carolina Core credit hours must add up to a minimum of 31 hours.  (Maximum of two overlays allowed.)

See a complete list of Carolina Core courses or select a learning outcome below to see its approved courses.

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Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Written

Students will be able to identify and analyze issues, develop logical and persuasive arguments, and communicate ideas clearly for a variety of audiences and purposes through writing and speaking. Click to search for CMW courses.

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Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving

Students will be able to apply the methods of mathematical, statistical, or analytical reasoning to critically evaluate data, solve problems, and effectively communicate findings verbally and graphically. Click to search for ARP courses.

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Scientific Literacy

Students will be able to apply the principles and language of the natural sciences and associated technologies to historical and contemporary issues. Click to search for SCI courses.

GFL credits determined by laguage test placement

Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language

Students will be able to communicate effectively in more than one language. Between 0 and 6 credit hours are required, depending upon the placement test. Click to search for GFL courses.

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Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking

Students will be able to use the principles of historical thinking to understand past human societies. Click to search for GHS courses.

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Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences

Students will be able to use the principles of the social sciences to explore diverse cultural identities and to analyze political and environmental issues. Click to search for GSS courses.

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Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding

Students will be able to create or interpret literary, visual or performing arts. Click to search for AIU courses.

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Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component

Students will be able to identify and analyze issues, develop logical and persuasive arguments, and communicate ideas clearly for a variety of audiences and purposes through writing and speaking. Click to search for CMS courses.

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Information Literacy

Students will be able to collect, manage and evaluate information using technology, and communicate findings. Click to search for INF courses.

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Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility

Students will be able to examine different kinds of social and personal values, analyzing the ways in which these are manifested in communities as well as individual lives. Click to search for VSR courses.

 *Components marked with an (*) do not have Overlay-approved courses at this time.

Integrative Course in the Major

An integrative course is an upper division course in the major that includes learning outcomes from the Carolina Core.

Many departments, degrees and majors have more specific requirements for foundation course work in addition to the Carolina Core. Careful planning will allow students to meet Core requirements and prepare for many of the more specific foundation courses required by their major.

Contact an academic advisor in your field of study for more information on specific requirements.

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