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Baruch Institute

Reference Specimens and Species Lists

Aquatic and terrestrial species found in North Inlet Estuary or on Hobcaw Barony.

The voucher specimen(s) that have been preserved during the course of a study are available for future study, including verification of the taxonomic designation. These specimens, back-up materials saved by investigators doing field studies, can be utilized at the Baruch Marine Field Laboratory. Because field scientists tend not to be taxonomic experts but have nonetheless put a name on the organism of interest, securing a voucher specimen provides an opportunity for re-examination for either verification or correction of the original (investigator's) designation. Of course, saving specimens also allows the potential for more information to gained at a later date (e.g tissue harvest for contaminants).

Species lists for North Inlet Estuary and adjacent coastal ecosystems are derived from decades of research.  The lists available are (those online are linked):  Aquatic & Terrestrial Amphibians & Reptiles [PDF], Common Invertebrates [PDF] , Aquatic & Terrestrial Mammals [PDF], Birds [PDF], Estuarine Zooplankton, Estuarine Benthic Infauna (macrobenthos), Sharks, Skates, Rays, Bony Fish [PDF] & Other Motile Nekton, Insects [PDF], Butterflies [PDF], Vascular Plants [PDF].

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