Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Geoffrey P. Alpert
Title: | Professor |
Department: | Criminology and Criminal Justice College of Arts and Sciences |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-6424 |
Office: | Currell College, Room 202 |
Resources: | Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice |

- Ph.D. 1975, Washington State University
- M.A. 1970, University of Oregon
- B.A. 1969, University of Oregon
Geoffrey Alpert has been conducting research on high-risk police activities for more than 30 years. He was asked to evaluate aspects of the police response to the terrorist attack at the Lindt Café in Sydney, Australia, and provided testimony to the Coronial Inquest of Police Shootings in Queensland. He has taught at the FBI National Academy and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, and has testified to Congress, several state legislatures and to the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. He is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police Research Advisory Council, and Policy Center Advisory Group, and serves on the Research Advisory Board, Police Executive Research Forum and is a Federal Monitor for the New Orleans Police Department, and a compliance team member for the Portland, Oregon Police Bureau.
- Police use of force and deadly force
- Police emergency diving
- Police training
Wolfe, Scott, Kyle McLean, Jeff Rojek and Geoffrey Alpert (2024) Us vs. them? The Problem of Cognitive Distortions in Policing. Police Quarterly
McCarthy, Molly, Kyle McLean and Geoffrey Alpert (2024) The Influence of Guardian and Warrior Police Orientations on Australian Officers’ Use of Force Attitudes and Tactical Decision-Making. Police Quarterly 27: 187-212
Adams, Ian, Scott Mourtgos, Kyle McLean and Geoffrey Alpert (2023). De-Fanged. Journal of Experimental Criminology
McLean, Kyle, Justin Nix, Seth Stoughton, Ian Adams and Geoffrey Alpert (2023). An Experimental Look at Reasonable Suspicion and Police Discretion. Policing: An International Journal 46: 503-520
McLean, Kyle, Arif Alikhan, Geoffrey Alpert (2023). Shaping Officer Behavior through Training and Policy. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 17: 1-13
Adams, Ian, & Alpert, Geoffrey (2023). Use of Force in Policing. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice
McLean, Kyle, Terry Cherry, and Geoffrey Alpert (2023). Recruiting for Change: Shifting Focus to Address a Workforce Crisis. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 24: 446-460
McLean, Kyle, Alikhan, Arif and Geoffrey Alpert (2023). Re-examining the Use of Force Continuum: Why Resistance is not the Only Driver of Use of Force Decisions. Police Quarterly 26: 85-110
Rojek, J., Martin, P., & Alpert, G. (2015). Developing and maintaining police-researcher partnerships to facilitate research use: A comparative analysis. New York: Springer
Alpert, G., Dunham, R., & Stroshine, M. (2015). Policing: Continuity and change, 2nd edition. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press
Dunham, R. & Alpert, G. (2015). Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Readings, 7th Edition. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press
Alpert, G. & Lum, C. (2014). Police Pursuit Driving: Policy and Research. New York: Springer