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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Our People

María Mabrey

Title: Distinguished Professor of Spanish, Emerita
Department: Languages, Literatures & Cultures, Comparative Literature & European Studies
College of Arts and Sciences

Professor Mabrey’s research interests are Spanish poetry, film, and culture. She has published articles on García Lorca, Luis Cernuda, Ernestina de Champourcin, Ana María Fagundo, Julia Uceda, Pilar Miró, Javier Cercas’ film adaptation, Soldados de Salamina, and is currently working on women entrepreneurs of the silent film era. She has also done extensive research in the historical Avant-garde, and the women who contributed to the development of avant-garde painting in Spain and in Europe. Though not currently teaching, she is engaged with the academic profession by co-editing a collection of essays on cinematic representations of women within celebrity culture. She also counsels graduate students and young colleagues.

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