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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Our People

Liv Paglia

Title: Linguistics Ph.D. Candidate
Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant in German
Department: Languages, Literatures & Cultures
College of Arts and Sciences
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Liv Paglia

Olivia Paglia received both her BA (2020) and MA (2022) in German from the University of South Carolina. She is currently working on her PhD in Linguistics. Olivia’s main field of study is historical linguistics, specifically historical phonology, specializing in the Germanic languages. Her current research involves the phenomenon of Breaking in the Germanic languages on which she plans to write her dissertation. For the past three years, Olivia has worked as a teaching assistant and student instructor at USC teaching Beginning German I and II. She has also taught German Culture and Civilization, as well as Viking Mythology. Her secondary field of study is Medieval German literature.

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