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School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment

Research Opportunities

Want to get involved in research or internships? You've come to the right place. We have listed all opportunities available to SEOE program majors. Take a look!!

Internship Opportunities


The U.S. Academic Research Fleet of UNOLS-designated research ships will host 1 long-term (approximately 6 months) and 12-14 short-term (4-16 weeks each) marine technical internships in 2023 (subject to funding). Departure dates will depend on the schedule of each research cruise. We will first select candidates for internships starting in Spring, and then in Summer and Fall.


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NOAA Student Opportunities Database

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has opportunities for undergraduate students, including internships, fellowships, and more. 

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Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

NSF funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where they work closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. An REU Site may be at either a US or foreign location.

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SCDNR Marine Resources Division

The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) Marine ResourcesDivision seeks outgoing, motivated individuals from the South Carolina Lowcountry to participatein a paid summer internship.

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Sea Education Association Environmental Studies at Woods Hole and at Sea

SEA welcomes applications from undergraduate students enrolled at US or international colleges or universities who have an interest in studying the ocean from a variety of perspectives. Students from most majors can participate in SEA programs. While there is no GPA requirement, we take a holistic view of each student’s application through their academic record, submitted references, and motivation and goals for the selected program. Some programs have specific prerequisites for admission.

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Community Engaged Internship Program

Designed for undergraduate students from underrepresented and indigenous communities. This internship program is designed to broaden participation in marine and coastal professions by providing training and mentorship to the next generation of scientists, decision makers and citizens.

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Ocean Exploration Trust 2023 Expedition Season

Seeking Ocean Science, ROV Engineering, & Video Engineering Interns to join a variety of cruises across 2023 in the Central Pacific!


Public Policy & International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship Program

"Like grad school bootcamp for juniors!" PPIA offers a fully-funded seven-week program to prepare you for grad school in fields like policy, administration and international affairs—plus an additional grad school scholarship.

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Shedd AQUARIUM Veterinary Technician Internship - 2023

This career learning experience allows veterinary technician interns to learn and participate in the day to day workings of an aquarium animal hospital, which provides care for a large collection of fishes, marine and terrestrial mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and invertebrates. Working closely with veterinary technicians and veterinarians, they will experience and assist in exotic animal medicine including routine health care, treatments, and procedures.

Southern Mississippi Field Program

Make your plans today to attend the GCRL School of Ocean Science and Engineering Summer Field Program and gain an experience of a lifetime!

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Undergraduate Research Funding

Margaret A. Davidson Resilience Research Scholars Program. Conduct a paid research project with a faculty member for one semester.

Schnabel Engineering (Local position)

Gain experience by interning for a consulting firm that focuses on solving problems related to the earth and environment through specialization in geotechnical, geostructural, tunnel and dam engineering. (Don't let the "Engineering" intimidate you from applying. They accept all environmental majors).

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Scientists In Parks (Summer & Winter Positions)

Internships with the National Park Service. Assist with research, synthesis of scientific literature, geologic mapping, GIS analysis, site evaluations, resource inventorying and monitoring, impact mitigation, developing brochures and informative media presentations, and educating park staff and park visitors.

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Environment for the Americas

To reach Environment for the Americas’ goal of increasing diverse representation in natural resource fields, EFTA has established several partnerships with government agencies and nonprofit organizations to create successful internship programs for underrepresented participants to mold future conservation professionals and leaders. Learn about each internship opportunity.

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National Park Service

Mosaics in Science interns gain valuable on-the ground science experience while assisting national parks with inventory and monitoring, research, GIS, and interpretation and education projects.

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US Forest Service

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Resource Assistants Program (RAP) is a rigorous and immersive, paid internship for individuals who are interested in conservation, natural and cultural resources, environmental management, research and development, or other career opportunities with land management agencies.

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Bureau of Land Management

The BLM offers internships that provide young people and veterans with jobs and job training opportunities in local communities. These internships help to support American families and build strong economies while keeping public lands healthy and productive.

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Diversity Joint Venture for Careers in Conservation

The Diversity Joint Venture for Careers in Conservation (DJV) is a partnership of federal and state agencies, universities, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and professional societies that work together to increase the number of women and people of color in the conservation workforce.

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UC Santa Cruz Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program

Conservation Scholars at UCSC participate in a two-year conservation fellowship program focused on the summers between academic years. They contribute to diversifying, redefining, and strengthening efforts to protect land, wildlife and water.

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Palmetto Conservation Corps

New in 2023, Palmetto Conservation Corps will host an upstate summer crew. Ideal for college students or recent graduates, this will be a team of six serving in the upstate region of South Carolina for a structured 12-week service term. The summer crew will serve on Palmetto Trail Projects as well as on projects with state parks, national forests, and community partners.  

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Rachel Carson Council Fellowship

The RCC Fellowship Program is designed to identify outstanding students with a passion for environmental education, organizing, and advocacy and provide them with financial support to carry out valuable projects and campaigns on behalf of the RCC.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
