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Department of Physics and Astronomy

Faculty and Staff Directory

Milind N. Kunchur

Title: Professor
Department: Physics and Astronomy
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-1907
Office: Jones PSC, Room 303

Dr. Kunchur's Website and Curriculum Vitae

Milind Kunchur

Research Focus

One research area is condensed-matter physics, with emphasis on superconductivity, disordered systems, and nanostructured materials. A second area is psychophysics, auditory neurophysiology, and high-fidelity sound reproduction. These efforts have led to 3 research awards plus selection as a 'National Research Council Senior Fellow' and a 'Fellow of the American Physical Society'. 

Professor Kunchur is also active in science outreach and educational development, and has been recognized through six academia awards including a 'Carnegie Foundation U.S. Professors of the Year', 'Governor's South Carolina Professor of the Year', and the 'George Pegram Medal for the Southeast United States'. 

Further information and details can be found under the 'Resources' link above. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.