Professor John L. Ferry
B.S., Chemistry, 1990, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
M.S., Ph.D., Env. Sci. & Eng., 1990-1996, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
with William H. Glaze advising.
Postdoc, Chemistry, 1996-1998, University of Texas at Austin with Marye Anne Fox advising.

Benson M. Solomon
Ben joined the group in the Fall of 2012. He earned his B.S. in Chemistry from High
Point University in 2012. Ben did undergraduate research at the MOTE Marine Laboratory
studying the chemistry of harmful algal blooms. His current research is on mechanisms
of heterogenized ozonation of dilute contaminants in aqueous solution.

Meagan L. Smith
Meagan joined the group in the Fall of 2014. She earned her B.A. in Chemistry from
Washington and Jefferson College in 2014. Her undergraduate research was on the occurrence
of trace heavy metals in personal care products. Meagan is researching the generation
of reactive oxygen species from humic materials and the consequences of this on dissolved

Fan Wang
Fan joined the group in the Fall of 2015. She earned her B.S. in Chemistry from Kent
State University. Fan did her undergraduate research on the methods of inorganic synthesis
with polymer coated nanoparticles to enhance MRI contrast agents. Her current research
is a study of antioxidant enzymes in natural waters and developing remediation strategies
for groundwater contaminants by in-situ polymerization.

Samuel P. Putnam
Sam joined the group in the Fall of 2016. He earned his B.S. in Chemistry from Baylor
University in 2016. His undergraduate research was in computational chemistry. Currently
Sam is researching analytical methods to identify and quantify bacterial signaling
and toxin production of harmful algal blooms in nature.

Daniel E. Monteith
Daniel joined the group in the Fall of 2017. He earned his B.S. in Chemistry and Physics
at Furman University in 2017. His undergraduate research was on the binding constants
for photoactivated chromium compounds with DNA for cancer treatment. Currently Daniel
is researching techniques for the gas phase production of singlet oxygen.
Students/Postdocs Advised (Graduated)
Pre-college: Nicholas Hansell, and Lisa Kistler
Undergraduate: Rita Cuthbertson, W. Hamp Henley, Erica Kaneff, Shital Patel, LaTasha Thomas Ashley
Jones, Natasha MacDonald, Anne Cooper-Ellefson, Laura Sima, Byron Farnum, Amy Cuthbertson,
Lauren Hamilton, Drake Spiker and Brendon O’Connell, M. Caleb Bagley, Austin Lourie.
REU students: Laura G. Shields, Edith Gadsden, Katie Shaber, and Ashley Jones.
Graduate students: Shengnan Meng, Ph.D.; Quincy L. Ford, M.S.; Li Kong, Ph.D.; R. Ruya Ozer, Ph.D.;
Spencer Walse, Ph.D.; Kelly Hefner, M.S.; Chunlian Shi, M.S.; Garrison Reese, M.S.;
Trey Rahn, M.S.; Lijian He, Ph.D.; Justina Burns, Ph.D.; Rebecca Frey, Ph.D.; Preston
Craig, Ph.D. (joint with Tim Shaw); Melissa Kiser, M.S.
Post-Doctoral: R. Scott Reese, Ph.D., J.P.; Idil Arslan, Ph.D.; Justina M. Burns, Ph.D.