Giving parents tools to support their children at home.
The Carolina Family Engagement Center (CFEC) in partnership with the South Carolina
State Library have developed a series of three family engagement kits (e.g., self,
family, community), each of which is designed to help give parents and caregivers
ideas on how they can use fun activities at home to support their children's social,
emotional, and academic development (SEAD).
The kits are now in circulation and have been translated into Spanish. All versions
of the kits are available virtually and easily accessible via a QR code placed on
CFEC and SC State Library bookmarks that are given out to patrons of the library.
Additionally, public and school libraries can check out the kits for use in the classroom
or for community events!
Awareness of Community
Children grow intellectually, physically, and emotionally through their relationships
with people in their community. Childhood is an important time to encourage children
to understand how they can be a part of a community. Find resources and activities
on how to help your child understand the role of community in their life.
Awareness of Family
Your family and culture are part of who you are. Understanding how to be a member
of a family is important to helping a child develop meaningful and lasting relationships.
These activities will help you and your family reflect on what makes your family so
special and helps make each of you who you are.
Awareness of Self
Children who develop a positive sense of self are more likely to try new things and
work towards reaching goals. They then to accept new challenges and feel more confident
about their ability to handle the problems or difficulties they encounter.