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South Carolina Honors College

Placements and Curriculum

In Washington, you'll work full-time in congressional, executive, judicial or private sector offices. Though you won't be chosen based on your political preferences, now is the time to determine where you stand politically. In addition to your internship, you'll enroll in three courses for a total of 15 Honors credits.

Internship Duties

Office work varies widely, from copying and faxing, to giving tours of the Capitol, to answering constituent mail. In addition to routine office work, interns might also take notes for the Congressional office at a committee meeting, attend meetings and hearings or provide public policy research. The job can range from preparing information for news conferences to representing an office at a reception to writing public blogs. The beauty of this program is that you become a member of your office family.

Internship Search Process

Each student selected for the South Carolina Washington Semester Program (WSP) is responsible for securing a full-time internship in Washington D.C. The WSP internship placement director will assist in the process and will speak individually with students during orientation to discuss career interests and preferences for a full-time internship. However, students must be proactive in the placement process.

Internship Sites

On-the-Hill Internships. The South Carolina Congressional Delegation, with seven representatives and two senators, host many of our students each semester. If you are interested in working on Capitol Hill, the WSP internship placement director will be more involved with working with you to secure an internship, and will coordinate applications with the S.C. delegation.

Off-the-Hill Internships. Students interested in off-the-Hill placements, such as federal agencies, NGOs, professional associations, etc., will need to research organizations in Washington D.C. consistent with their interests and come prepared at orientation to discuss these organizations. Below is a list of recent off-the-hill placements. 

  • Aspen Institute
  • Center for American Progress
  • Children's Defense Fund
  • CNN’s The Situation Room
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Justice
  • Heritage Foundation
  • House Committee on Financial Services
  • House Subcommittee for Africa and Global Health
  • Institute of Peace
  • National Endowment for the Arts
  • National Organization for Women
  • Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
  • Smithsonian
  • The State Department


All students enroll in three courses for a total of 15 Honors credits. Each course is designed specifically for the Washington Semester Program and stresses experiential, hands-on learning. Students are responsible for checking with their advisors to ensure the applicability of these courses to specific degree programs.

Washington D.C. is second only to New York as a theatre market in the United States. For this course, students attend professional theatre productions in D.C. and meet working theatre professionals to learn what happens “behind the scenes.” Students respond to the productions with short reviews and seminar discussions.

Students attend seminars designed to deepen their knowledge of politics and current events. Students also use the resources available to them in Washington to execute a research project of their design.

Students work full-time — usually 40 hours per week. Students also are expected to participate in a range of activities designed to help them experience D.C. Activities may include a Nationals baseball game, a live taping of a CNN program, performing arts events, museum visits and meetings with important political and media leaders. Students are asked to reflect on these experiences through a series of seminars and blog entries.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
