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Darla Moore School of Business


Mark Cecchini

Title: Associate Dean for Executive Education
Professor and Department Chair
Department: School of Accounting
Darla Moore School of Business
Phone: 803-777-6643

Darla Moore School of Business, Room 332E

Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Mark Cecchini headshot


Mark Cecchini is associate dean of executive education, and School of Accounting professor and department chair at the Moore School. He holds a B.S. in both finance and accounting from Florida State University, an MBA from Rollins College and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida.


Accounting information systems, machine learning theory and applications (SVM), data management and information retrieval, IS strategy, and database/systems analysis and design/telecommunications.

Research Publications

  • "Economic Consequences of Firms' Depreciation Method Choice: Evidence from Capital Investments," (with S. Jackson and K.Liu), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2009, Vol 48(1): 54-68.
  • Detecting Management Fraud in Public Companies," (with H. Aytug, G. Koehler, and P. Pathak), Management Science, 2010, Vol. 56: 1146-1160.
  • "Making Words Work: Using Financial Text as a Predictor of Financial Events," (with H. Aytug, G. Koehler, and P. Pathak), Decision Support Systems, 2010, Vol. 50: 164-175.
  • "Do Initial Public Offering Firms Manage Accruals? Evidence from Individual Accounts," (with S. Jackson and K. Liu), Review of Accounting Studies, 2012, Vol. 17(1): 22-40.
  • "Multinational Transfer Pricing: A Transaction Cost and Resource Based View," (with A. Leitch and C. Strobel), Journal of Accounting Literature, 2013, Vol. 31(1): 31-48.
  • "Solving Nonlinear Principal-Agent Problems using Bilevel Programming," (with J. Ecker, M. Kupferschmid, and A. Leitch), European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, Vol. 230 (2): 364-373.
  • “A multiple objective search process for management using a transfer pricing example,” (with J. Ecker, M. Kupferschmid, and A. Leitch), International Journal of Business and Management, 2013, Vol. 8 (21): 89-107.
  • "Analysts' Qualitative Statements and the Profitability of Favorable Investment Recommendations," (with M. Caylor and J. Winchel), forthcoming in Accounting, Organizations and Society.


  • Ph.D., University of Florida, 2005
  • MBA, Rollins College, 2000
  • B.S., The Florida State University, 1992

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