College of Nursing
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- Sara B. Donevant
Faculty and Staff
Sara B. Donevant, PhD, RN, CCRN
Title: | Assistant Professor |
Department: | Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science College of Nursing |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-7672 |
Office: | College of Nursing University of South Carolina 1601 Greene Street, Room 609 Columbia, SC 29208-4001 United States |

PhD in Nursing Science - University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 05/2018
Master of Science in Nursing, Nursing Informatics - University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, 05/2014
Bachelor of Science in Nursing - USC Upstate, Mary Black School of Nursing, Spartanburg, SC, 08/2011
Associates Degree in Nursing, Magna Cum Laude, Academic Excellent AwardHorry-Georgetown Technical College, Conway, SC, 12/2006
NURS 781 – Applied Technology in Health Care
Professional Service
- American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)
- American Nurses Association (ANA)
- American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA)
- American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
- Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
- Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI)
- Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS)
Professional Practice
Dr. Donevant worked as a staff nurse on general medical/surgical unit and adult medical intensive care unit in an acute care facility in South Carolina. During this time, she become interested in mobile apps to assist patients with managing chronic health conditions and participated in several informatic projects involving the intensive care units. She also has extensive experience in managing geriatric patients with complex health issues.
Research Studies (Selected)
Exploring Patients' Use of Mobile Health Applications to Manage Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Qualitative Study (UofSC Office of Research) Co-Primary Investigator $15,000.00
Development and Usability Testing of STORY+ App to Improve Treatment Adherence to Endocrine Therapy. $50,000. 2018 - present. Co-Investigator.
Healthcare Professionals’ Perception of mHealth Features that Promote Positive Patient Outcomes. $5,000. 2018 - present. Primary Investigator.
Prescribing Providers Perception of mHealth Features that Promote Positive Patient Outcomes. Sigma Theta Tau International. $5,000. 2018 - present. Primary Investigator
Validating Triage for Chemical Mass Casualty Incidents – A First Step. $2,500,000. 2014 - present. Co-Investigator.
An Evidence-Based Evaluation Tool to Assist Healthcare Providers in Their Assessment of Effective mHealth Applications of the Management of Chronic Health Conditions. 2017. $44,044. Primary Investigator.
PhD Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar. University of South Carolina College of Nursing & Jonas Philanthropies. $20,000.00.
Publications (Selected)
Donevant, S, Heiney, S, Wineglass, C, Schooley, B, Singh, A, & Sheng, J. (2021). Exploring the perceptions of African American breast cancer survivors on endocrine therapy: A mixed methods study. Journal of Medical Internet Research Cancer, 5(6), e22384.
Al-Amin, S, Hassan, Z, Saif-Ur-Rahman, K, Chowdhury, M, Morrison, S, Donevant, S, & Chowdhury, F. (2021). Pattern of antibiotic use for acute respiratory infections among out-patients in South Asian Region, Medicine, 100(4).
Abshire, D, McDonnell, K, Donevant, S, Corbett, C, Tavakoli, A, Felder, T, & Pinto, B. (2020) Pivoting nursing research and scholarship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Research Journal, 70(3), 165-172.
Dunn Lopez, K., Chae, S., Girgis M. Fraczkowski, D., Habibi, P, Chattopadhyay, & Donevant, S. (2020). Improved readability and functions needed for mHealth targeting patients with heart failure: An app store review. Research in Nursing & Health, 44. 71-80.
Everhart, K., Donevant, S., Wirth, M., & Dail, R. (2020). Examining etiological pathways to necrotizing enterocolitis in very preterm infants. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 27(2). 77-81.
Heiney, S, Donevant, S, Adams, S, Parker, P, Chen, H, & Levkoff, S. (2019). A smartphone app for self-management of heart failure in older African Americans: Feasibility and usability study. Journal of Medical Internet Research Aging, 3(1).
Dawson, R., McDonnell, K., Felder, T., Donevant, S., Card, B., Heiney, S., (2019). What makes a good health “app”? Identifying the strengths and limitations of existing mobile application evaluation tools. Submitted for review.
Heiney, S., Donevant, S., & Levkoff, S. (2019). Pilot study of a mobile application for African Americans with heart failure: Lessons learned. Submitted for review.
Donevant, S., Svendsen, E., Richter, J., Tavakoli, A., Craig, J., Boltin, N., Valafar, H., DiNardi, S., Culley, J. (2019). Designing and executing a functional exercise to test a novel informatics tool for mass casualty triage. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. DOI:10.1093/jamia/ocz087.
Donevant, S., Estrada, R., Culley, J., Habing, B., & Adams, S. (2018). Exploring app features with outcomes in mHealth studies involving chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and hypertension: A targeted exploration of the literature. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 25(8). DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocy104.
Donevant, S., Messias, D., & Estrada, R. (2018). Utilizing A theoretical framework to guide the use of mobile applications in collaborative patient-provider monitoring of chronic health conditions. Journal of Informatics Nursing, 3(2), 6-11.
Craig, J., Culley, J., Richter, J., Svendsen, E. & Donevant, S. (2018). Data collection and analysis of signs and symptoms in a chemically exposed population. Journal of Informatics Nursing, 3(3), 10-15.
Culley, J., Donevant, S., Craig, J., Richter, J., Tavakoli, A., Svendsen, E., & DiNardi, S. (2018). Validation of a novel irritant gas syndrome triage algorithm. American Journal of Disaster Medicine. DOI: 10.5055/ajdm.2018.0284
Culley, J. Richter, J., Donevant, S., Tavakoli, A., Craig, J. & DiNardi, S. (2017 Mar 28). Validating signs and symptoms from an actual mass casualty incident to characterize an irritant gas syndrome agent (IGSA) exposure: A first step in the development of a novel IGSA triage algorithm. Journal of Emergency Nursing. DOI: 10.1016/j.jen.2016.11.001
Podium and Poster Presentations
Donevant, S., Heiney, S., Schooley, B., & Singh, A. (2021, July 22-26). African American Cancer Survivors' Perspectives on the Use of Technology for Managing Endocrine Therapy Adherence [Podium presentation]. 32nd International Nursing Research Congress [Virtual].
Carter-Templeton, H., Donevant, S. B., Horton, A. G., Townsend, H. F., & Krishnamurthy, M. (2021). Using social media to develop and support information literacy skills among professional nurses [Poster presentation]. 2021 Summer Institute of Nursing Informatics.
Pilotti, A. & Donevant, S. (2021, April 23). Understanding the signs and symptoms of COVID-19: A systematic review [Poster presentation]. Discover UofSC 2021.
Heiney, S., Donevant, S., Singh, A., Sheng, J., & Schooley, B. (2021, February 4-5). STORY+ smartphone application for endocrine therapy treatment adherence for African American women with breast cancer – Design and usability testing [Poster presentation]. Virtual Symptom Science Advances in Oncology Nursing Research Colloquium.
Al Amin, S. & Donevant, S. (2020, October 7-9 ). Overview of evaluation methods for mHealth application [Poster presentation]. North Carolina Public Health Association Fall Conference.
Singh, A., Schooley, B., Heiney, S., & Donevant, S. (2020, May 19-21). STORY+: Designing a culturally sensitive engagement app for African American breast cancer survivors [Poster presentation]. AMIA Clinical Informatics Conference 2020. Seattle, WA, United States.
Dunn Lopez, K., Chae, S. Girgis, M., Fraczkowski, D. Habibi, P., Chattopadhyay, D., & Donevant, S. (2020, April 1-4) Improved readability and functions needed for mHealth targeting patients with heart failure: An app store review [Poster presentation]. Midwest Nursing Research Society's 44th Annual Research Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Donevant, S. (2020, April 3). Understanding the world of mobile health applications: Assisting patients with managing their diets [Podium presentation]. South Carolina Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2020 Annual Conference, Columbia, SC, United States.
Girgis, M., Donevant, S., Habibi, P., Chattopadhyay, D., Fraczkowski, D. & Dunn Lopez, K. (2019). Functions and readability of mHealth for heart failure self-care [Poster presentation]. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium Washington, DC.
Donevant, S., Culley, J., Craig, J., Richter, J. (2019, October). Accuracy and Efficiency of a Novel Informatics Tool. Poster presentation at American Academy of Nursing’s 2019 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference in Washington, DC.
Donevant, S., Culley, J., Heiney, S., & Dawson R. (2019, February). Essential Lessons Learned from the Complex Field of mHealth Research. Symposium presentation at Southern Nursing Research Society Conference, Orlando, FL.
Webb, L., McDonnell, K., Adams, S., Davis, R., Donevant, S., & Felder, T. (2019, February). Lung Cancer Stigma among African American Survivors of Lung Cancer in South Carolina. Podium and poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Conference in New Orleans, LA.
Culley, J., Richter, J., Craig, J., Donevant, S., Tavakoli, A., DiNardi, S., & Svendsen, E. (2018, November) Validation of a novel approach to triage victims of an irritant gas syndrome mass casualty incident. Podium presentation at American Medical Informatics Association 2018 Annual Symposium, San Francisco, CA.
Donevant, S., Culley, J., Estrada, R., Habing, B., & Adams, S. (2018, July) Developing an evidence-based mHealth evaluation tool for healthcare providers: A first step. Poster presentation at National Institutes of Nursing Research Precision Health 2018 Boot Camp, Bethesda, MD.
Donevant, S. & Culley, J. (2018, March). Using the evidence to guide the development of a mobile application for chemical triage. Podium presentation at Southern Nursing Research Society Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Culley, J. & Donevant, S. (2018, March). Characterizing the signs/symptoms of a chemical exposure during a mass casualty incident. Podium presentation at Southern Nursing Research Society Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Culley, J., Donevant, S., Craig, J., Ritcher, J., Tavakoli, A., & DiNardi, S. (2017, October). Validation of a novel irritant gas syndrome triage algorithm. Poster presentation at American Academy of Nursing’s 2017 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference, Washington, D.C.
Donevant, S., Culley, J., and Tavakoli, A. (2017, April) Developing an evidence-based mobile application for chemical triage. Poster presentation at University of South Carolina College of Nursing Research Day; 3-Minute Thesis presentation at University of South Carolina Discovery Day, Columbia, SC.
Donevant, S. (2017, February). Mobile apps in nursing. Presentation at University of South Carolina University Associates Luncheon, Columbia, SC.
Donevant, S., Estrada, R., and Culley, J. (2016, November). Is mHealth patient-centered? The state of the science. Poster presentation at Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Donevant, S. & Estrada, R. (2016, November). Evaluating evidence-based mobile health apps: An interactive thought exercise. Presentation at SC HIMSS Conference, Columbia, SC.
Donevant, S. (2016, July). Advancing the effectiveness of mHealth: Exploring the evidence. Webinar for American Nursing Informatics Association.
Donevant, S., Culley, J., & Estrada, R. (2016, April). Harnessing the power of Research Electronic Data Capture application to abstract data from a mass casualty incident. Poster and podium presentation at College of Nursing Discovery Day, Columbia, SC.
Donevant, S., Culley, J., Estrada, R. and Ritcher, J. (2016, February). Methodological challenges in creating a research dataset from abstracted medical records of victims from a chemical mass casualty incident. Poster presentation at Southern Research Nursing Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Donevant, S. & Estrada, R. (2015, November). Engaging patients with mHealth: Exploring the evidence. Podium presentation at the mHealth Summit, Washington, D.C.
Donevant, S. & Estrada, R. (2015, September). Mobilizing mobile apps for health disparities: A review of the literature. Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Research Symposium Integrating Research with Action to Promote Health Equity, Greenville, SC.
Donevant, S. (2014, May). Mobilizing patient compliance via use of mobile apps: The ICU nurse’s role. Podium presentation at the National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition – 2014, Denver, CO.