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- Susan Newman PhD, RN, CRRN, FAAN
Faculty and Staff
Susan Newman, PhD, RN, CRRN, FAAN
Title: | Health Sciences Endowed Professor |
Department: | Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science College of Nursing |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-576-8455 |
Office: | College of Nursing University of South Carolina 1601 Greene Street, Room 318 Columbia, SC 29208-4001 United States |

Dr. Newman graduated from Clemson University with a BFA in 1991, and from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing with a BSN in 1995, and a PhD in Nursing Science in 2008. She was the Assistant Dean of the PhD in Nursing Science program the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing before joining the faculty at the University of South Carolina College of Nursing.
Dr. Newman’s primary teaching expertise is in philosophical and theoretical foundations of nursing science, research ethics, and intervention development methodology.
Dr Newman’s areas of research interest include: spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation and self-management, SCI peer support & peer mentoring (United States and India), health inequities experienced by people with disabilities, community-engaged research, theoretically informed intervention development and testing.
Dr. Newman has presented her research at local, regional, national, and international conferences including the International Spinal Cord Society, the Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals, and the Sigma International Nursing Research Congress.
Professional Service
Dr. Newman is a member of the Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals (ASCIP) and is currently President Elect of the Spinal Cord Injury Nurses section board of directors of ASCIP. She also served on the ASCIP Research Committee with two years in the role as chair. She is a fellow and member of the American Academy of Nursing. Prior to coming to USC, she served as Vice-Chair of the Medical University of South Carolina’s Institutional Review Board 1 for 13 years. She serves on the board of directors for the South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association.
Dr. Newman has served as a scientific reviewer for the World Health Organization SCI Rehabilitation Programme, the National Institutes of Health, the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program – SCI Research Program (CDMRP SCIRP), the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, and the Department of Veteran Affairs Rehabilitation Research and Development Service.
Professional Practice
Dr. Newman is a Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse with clinical experience in acute inpatient rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, and other acquired disabling conditions.
Research Studies (selected)
Newman, SD. (09/01/22 – 08/31/25). Preparing PHOENIX to fly: Building capacity for research on spinal cord injury peer mentoring. (90IFRE0070) Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living & Rehabilitation Research, Department of Health and Human Services. $598,902. PI.
Newman, SD. (11/01/18 – 4/30/20) A qualitative exploration of peer mentoring after spinal cord injury in Delhi, India. Sigma Foundation, Global Nursing Research Grant. $10,000. PI.
Newman, SD. (10/01/17 – 9/30/21). PHOENIX: Development of a spinal cord injury peer supported self-management intervention. (90IFRE0012) Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living & Rehabilitation Research, Department of Health and Human Services. $598,566. PI.
Newman, SD, Qanungo, S. (09/01/16 – 8/30/17) A Preliminary Investigation of Assets and Challenges Affecting Health and Participation After Spinal Cord Injury in India. MUSC Center for Global Health, Faculty Pilot projects. $20,000. PI.
Publications (selected)
Li, C., Newman, S., Clark, J.M.R., & Krause, J.S. (2024). A five-year longitudinal structural equation model of perceived isolation and social disconnectedness with probable major depression among participants with spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 69(2), 145-452.
Rose, D., Newman, S.D., Mueller, M., Magwood, G.S., & Lutz, B.J. (2024). Working age caregivers of stroke survivors. Needs, concerns, and quality of life. Rehabilitation Nursing Journal, epub ahead of print. 2024 Rehabilitation Nursing Journal Research Article award
Newman, S.D., Toatley, S.L., Rodgers, M.D., Qanungo, S., Mueller, M., Denny, B. & Rodriguez, A. (2023). Feasibility of a community-based, online, peer supported spinal cord injury self-management intervention: protocol for a pilot wait-listed randomized trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 12(1). e42688.
Newman, S.D., Rodgers, M.D. & Toatley, S.L. (2019). Translating a spinal cord injury self-management intervention for online and telehealth delivery: A community-engaged research approach. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 42(5), 595-605.
Saunders, L., Newman, S.D., Aust, R, & Krause, J. (2018). Qualitative Study of Barriers and Facilitators of Cigarette Smoking Cessation after Spinal Cord Injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 63(3), 400-407.
Cao, Y., Li, C., Newman, S.D., Lucas, J., Charlifue, S., & Krause, J. (2017). Post-traumatic stress disorder after spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 62(2), 178-185.
Newman, S.D., Li, C., & Krause, J. (2016). Social Isolation after Spinal Cord Injury: Indicators from the Longitudinal Aging Study. Rehabilitation Psychology, 61(4), 408-416.
Newman, SD, Gillenwater, G, Toatley, SL, Rodgers, MD, Todd, N, Epperly, D, Andrews, J. (2014). A community-based participatory research approach to the development of a Peer Navigator health promotion intervention for people with spinal cord injury. Disability and Health Journal, 7(4), 478-484.
Newman, SD, Andrews, JO, Magwood G., Jenkins, C, Cox, M, Williamson, D. (2011). Community advisory boards for community based participatory research: Synthesis of best processes. Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(3).
Newman, SD, SCI Photovoice Participants. (2010). Evidence-based advocacy: Using Photovoice to identify barriers and facilitators to community participation after spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Nursing, 35(2), 47-59. (2010 Editor’s Choice Award)
Newman, SD., Maurer, D., Jackson, A., Saxon, M., Jones, R., & Reese, G. (2009). Gathering the evidence: Photovoice as a tool for disability advocacy. Progress in Community Health Partnerships,3(2),139-144.