COVID-19: Impact, resources and response
Posted on: April 13, 2020; Updated on: April 13, 2020
As the coronavirus continues to threaten health and upend daily life, UofSC Today is turning to our faculty for answers and highlighting responses by members of the UofSC community. Below we look at the potential long-term impacts of COVID-19, resources for coping with life under social distancing and efforts by members of the University of South Carolina community to address the immediate challenges posed by the virus.
Faculty assess COVID-19 impact on health, economy, society
COVID-19 impact: Understanding the importance of supply chains
Mark Ferguson, a professor in the Darla Moore School of Business, explains how supply chains may be affected during the pandemic.
COVID-19 impact: Travel and Tourism
Simon Hudson, tourism professor and researcher in the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, discusses COVID-19’s economic impact on the tourism industry.
The history of plague and contagion
Nükhet Varlik, an associate professor of history in the College of Arts and Sciences at UofSC, studies disease, medicine and public health, particularly in era of the Ottoman Empire. She has written a book and edited another on plague and contagion in the Mediterranean world.
COVID-19 impact: Sports and entertainment
Sport and entertainment management professors Tom Regan and Nick Watanabe from the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management answer questions about COVID-19’s economic impact on the sport and entertainment industries.
Coping with COVID-19: Resources for resilience
Building resiliency in the time of pandemic
Psychology professor Sayward Harrison offers advice on ways individuals, families and communities can nurture resilience in the time of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Teachers, students and parents explore a new type of learning
Beth White, the undergraduate program coordinator and a clinical instructor of elementary education, offers advice for students, parents and teachers in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Online resources for at-home learning
Stacy Winchester is a research data librarian in University Libraries’ digital research
services department at the University of South Carolina. We asked her about UofSC
Libraries resources for parents during this period of at-home learning.
UofSC faculty rise to the challenge
Prisma Health collaborates with UofSC on ventilator expansion device
A collaborative effort involving Prisma Health and the University of South Carolina has resulted in emergency use authorization for a ventilator expansion device to support multiple patients during times of acute equipment shortages such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Engineering students lead effort to create protective face shields
A group of University of South Carolina students supported by faculty is coming together to help produce a vital piece of equipment that hospitals are calling for during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Faculty members mobilize network to obtain medical supplies
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to separate communities, families, co-workers and friends — but it is also bringing us together like never before. And it is inspiring University of South Carolina faculty and staff to step up their efforts in a time of need.