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Cutter, S.L., 2024. The Origin and Diffusion of the Social Vulnerability Index,  Intl. J. Disaster Risk Reduction 109, 104576.

Morgan, G.R., E.M. Kemp, M. Habets, K. Daniels-Baessler, G. Waddington, S. Adamo, C. Hultquist, and S.L. Cutter, 2024. Defining Disadvantaged Places: Social Burdens of Wildfire Exposure in the Eastern United States, 2000-2020, Fire 7 (4), 124.

Robertson, B. W., K. Dow, J. Salinas, and S.L. Cutter, 2024. Heat Risk Perceptions and Coping Strategies of the Unhoused, Intl. J. Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (6), 737.



Blackwood, L. and S.L. Cutter, 2023.  The application of the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) for geo-targeting of post-disaster recovery resources, Intl. J. Disaster Risk Reduction 92: 103722.

Carbone,  G.J., J. Fleming, K. Ellis, and G. Espinosa. 2023. Lessons Learned from Incorporating Climate Considerations in the Three Rivers Watershed-Based Plan. Journal of South Carolina Water Resources 9(1), Article 6.

Habets, M., S.L. Jackson, S.L. Baker, Q. Huang, L. Blackwood, E.M. Kemp, and S.L. Cutter, 2023. Evaluating the quality of state hazard mitigation plans based on hazard identification, risk, and vulnerability assessments, J. Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Nov. 20, 2023.

Hardy, D. 2023. Flood risk as legacy vulnerability: Reading the past into the present for Environmental Justice. Geoforum 142.

Harrison, C. and S. Welton. 2023. Rural Energy Justice. In Bouzarovski, S. and Fuller, S. (eds) Elgar Handbook on Energy Justice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Gavin, D.,G.,  P. J. Bartlein, and C. J. Mock.2023. Historical archives reveal record rainfall and severe flooding in December 1867 resulting from an atmospheric river and snowmelt, Western Washington, USA.  Plos Climate.

Mousseau, T.A., Todd, S.A. 2023. Biological consequences of exposure to radioactive hydrogen (tritium): A comprehensive survey of the literature. SSRN 4416674.

Mangano., J., Gaus, K.S., Ketterer, M.E., and T.A. Mousseau. 2023. Strontium-90 in baby teeth as a basis for estimating U.S. cancer deaths from nuclear weapons fallout. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services, 53(3):374-384. 

Pierel, E., J. Helgeson, J. and K. Dow. 2023. Deciphering small business community disaster support using machine learning. PLOS Climate

Pierel, E., J. Helgeson, and K. Dow. 2023. Intersections of small business mobility, adaptive capacity, and resilience during crises. International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters 41(1)

Spatola, G.J., Buckley, R.M., Dillon, M.,  Dutrow, E.V.,  Betz, J.A.,  Pilot, M., Parker, H.G.,  Bogdanowicz, W., Thomas, R., Chyzhevskyi, I., Milinevsky, G., Kleiman, N., Breen, M., Ostrander, E.A., and T.A. Mousseau. 2023. The dogs of Chernobyl: breed ancestry and population structural analysis reveal demographic insights into dog populations inhabiting the Exclusion Zone. Science Advances, 9, eade2537. 



Cutter, S.L, 2022. Governance structures for recovery and resilience in, ed. John Travis Marshall, Ryan Rowberry, and Susan Kuo, The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Law and Policy, Cambridge University Press, pp. 59-70. 

Cutter, S.L., 2022.  The changing nature of hazard and disaster risk in the Anthropocene, Chapter 17 In David Butler (ed.), The Anthropocene. New York: Routledge. Originally appeared as Cutter, S.L., 2021. The changing nature of hazard and disaster risk in the Anthropocene, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111 (3): 819-827.

Cutter, Susan L. 2022. Vulnerability and resilience science: Concepts, tools, and practice. Chapter 11 in James, H., Shaw, R., Sharma, V., & Lukasiewicz, A. (eds.), Disaster Risk Reduction: Governance, Education and Capacity in Asia Pacific. Palgrave Macmillan, 213-231.

Cutter, S. L. and Q. Huang, 2022.  The persistence of COVID-19 and inequities in the U.S. experience, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 64 (5-6): 4-14.

Demetriou, C.A., S. Achilleos, A. Quattrocchi, J. Gabel, E. Critselis, C. Constantinou, N. Nicolaou, G. Ambrosio, C.M. Bennett, N. Le Meur, J.A. Critchley, L.H. Mortensen, J.M. Rodriguez-Llanes, M. Chong, G. Denissov, P. Klepac, L.P. Goldsmith, A.J. Leal Costa, T.P. Hagen, M.C. Sun, Q. Huang, N. Pidmurniak, I. Zucker, J. Cuthbertson, B. Burström, M. Barron, I. Eržen, F. Stracci, W. Calmon, C. Martial, O. Verstiuk, Z. Kaufman, W. Tao, M. Kereselidze, N. Chikhladze, A. Polemitis, A. Charalambous, on Behalf of the C-MOR Consortium. 2022. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on total, sex- and age-specific all-cause mortality in 20 countries worldwide during 2020: Results from the C-MOR project, International Journal of Epidemiology, dyac170,

Derakhshan, S., Blackwood, L., Habets, M., Effgen, J.F., Cutter, S.L. 2022. Prisoners of Scale: Downscaling Community Resilience Measurements for Enhanced Use. Sustainability 2022, 14, 6927. 

Derakhshan, S., C.T. Emrich, and S.L. Cutter, 2022.  Degree and direction of overlap between social vulnerability and community resilience measurements, PLoS ONE 17(10):e0275975.

Elhami-Korasani, N., H. Ebrahimian, L. Buja, S.L. Cutter, B. Kosovic, N. Lareau, B.J. Meachman, E. Rowell, E.Taciroglu, M.P. Thompson, and A.C. Watts, 2022.  Conceptualizing a probabilistic risk and loss assessment framework for wildfires, Natural Hazards 114: 1153-1169, online June 2022,

Huang, Q. and S.L. Cutter, 2022.  Spatial-temporal differences in COVID-19 vaccinations in the U.S., Urban Informatics 1:19

Liu, L., Piegorsch, W.W., Grant Schissler, A., McCaster, R.R.  and Cutter, S.L. 2022. Adjusting statistical benchmark risk analysis to account for non-spatial autocorrelation, with application to natural hazard risk assessment. Journal of Applied Statistics, 49:9, 2349-2369,

Ugarte, M.P., Achilleos, S., Quattrocchi, A., Huang, Q. et al. Premature mortality attributable to COVID-19: Potential years of life lost in 17 countries around the world, January–August 2020. BMCC Public Health 22, 54 (2022).

Whelen, Tracy, 2022. A GIS-Based Risk Assessment of the Columbia-Richland (SC) Fire Department. Fire Engineering, 175 (3)

Yabe, Takahiro, P. Suresh C. Rao, Satish V. Ukkusuri, and Susan L. Cutter. 2022. Toward data-driven, dynamical complex systems approaches to disaster resilience. PNAS, February 2022.



Cutter, S.L., 2021. Nature and the rivers of life: William L. Graf, 1947–2019, Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111 (6): 1880-1886.

Cutter, S.L., 2021.  The changing nature of hazard and disaster risk in the Anthropocene, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111 (3): 819-827. Online 02 June 2020. Republished as Cutter, S.L., 2022.  The changing nature of hazard and disaster risk in the Anthropocene, Chapter 17 In David Butler (ed.), The Anthropocene. New York: Routledge.

Cutter, Susan L. 2021.  Urban risks and resilience, Chapter 13 in Shi, W., Goodchild, M.F., Batty, M., Kwan, MP., Zhang, A. (eds) Urban Informatics. The Urban Book Series. Springer, Singapore, 197-211.

Gao, P., Terando, A.J., Kupfer, J.A., Varner, J.M., Stambaugh, M., Lei, T, and Hiers, J.K. 2021. Robust projections of future fire probability for the conterminous United States. Science of The Total Environment 789, 147872.

Huang, Q., S. Jackson, S. Derakhshan, L. Lee, E. Pham, A. Jackson, and S.L. Cutter, 2021. Urban-rural differences in COVID-19 exposures and outcomes in the South: A preliminary analysis of South Carolina, PLoS ONE 16(2): e0246548.

Jackson, S.L., S. Derakhshan, L. Blackwood, L. Lee, Q. Huang, M. Habets, and S.L. Cutter, 2021. Spatial disparities of COVID-19 cases and fatalities in United States counties, Intl J. Environmental Research and Public Health 18, 8259.

Jiang Y., Huang X., Li Z., 2021. Spatiotemporal patterns of human mobility and its association with land use types during COVID-19 in New York City, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information,

Jiang, Y., Z. Li, and S.L. Cutter, 2021. Social distance integrated gravity model for evacuation destination choice, Intl. Journal of Digital Earth,

Johnson, M., Murthy, D., Robertson, B.W., Smith, W.R., & Stephens, K.K. (2020). DisasterNet: Evaluating the performance of transfer learning to classify hurricane-related images posted on Twitter. In T. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSSS) Conference.

Lindstadt, C.J., Glowacki, E.M., Robertson, B.W., Wilcox, G.B., & Bernhardt, J.M. (2020). Reactions to a campus emergency: A text-mining analysis. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication. Advanced online publication.

Liu, J., W.W. Piegorsch, A.G. Schissler, R.R. McCaster, and S.L. Cutter, 2021 Adjusting statistical benchmark risk analysis to account for non-spatial autocorrelation, with application to natural hazard risk assessment, J. of Applied Statistics,

Piegorsch, W.W., R.R. McCaster, and S.L. Cutter, 2021. From terrorism to flooding: How vulnerable is your city? Significance Magazine (The Royal Statistical Society) 18(1): 20-25.

Smith, W.R., Robertson, B.W., Stephens, K.K., & Murthy, D. (2021). A different type of disaster response digital volunteer: Looking behind the scenes to reveal coordinating actions of disaster knowledge workers. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 29(2), 116-130.

Spatola, Gabriella J., Elaine A. Ostrander, Timothy A. Mousseau. 2021. The effects of ionizing radiation on domestic dogs: A review of the atomic bomb testing era. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,

Stephens, K.K., Robertson, B.W., & Murthy, D. (2020). Throw me a lifeline: Articulating mobile social network dispersion and the social construction of risk in rescue communication. Mobile Media & Communication, 8(2), 149-169.

Walelign, S.Z., S.L. Cutter, P. Lujala, 2021. Resettlement capacity assessments for climate induced displacements: Evidence from Ethiopia, Climate Risk Management 33: 100347.

Xu D., Huang X., Mango J., Li X., Li Z., 2021. Simulating multi-exit evacuation using deep reinforcement learning, Transactions in GIS, 

Zeng C., Zhang J., Li Z., Sun X., Olatosi B., Weissman S., Li X., 2021. Spatial-temporal relationship between population mobility and COVID-19 outbreaks in South Carolina: A time series forecasting analysis, Journal of Medical Internet Research,



Bayat, M., M. Kia, V. Soltangharaei, H.R. Ahmadi, and P. Ziehl, 2020. Bayesian demand model based seismic vulnerability assessment of a concrete girder bridge. Advances in Concrete Construction 9 (4): 337-343.

Beaugelin-Seiller, K., Garnier-Laplace, J., Della-Vedova, C., Métivier, J.-M., Lepage, H., Mousseau, T.A., and Møller, A.P. 2020. Dose reconstruction supports the interpretation of decreased abundance of mammals in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Scientific Reports, 10(1), pp.1-13.

Cutter, Susan L. and Claire B. Rubin, 2020. Glancing backward while moving forward,Chapter 10 in in Rubin & Cutter (eds.), U.S. Emergency Management in the 21st Century: From Disaster to Catastrophe, Routledge, pp. 233-252.

Cutter, Susan L., 2020.  Tipping points in policy and practice, Chapter 2 in Rubin & Cutter (eds.), U.S. Emergency Management in the 21st Century: From Disaster to Catastrophe, Routledge, pp. 11-35.

Cutter, S.L., 2020. The changing nature of hazard and disaster risk in the Anthropocenee, Annals of the American Association of Geographers,

Derakhshan, S., S.L. Cutter, C. Wang, 2020. Remote sensing derived indicess for tracking urban land surface change in case of earthquake recoveryRemote Sensing 12 (5): 895.

Derakhshan, S., M.E. Hodgson, and S.L. Cutter, 2020. Vulnerability of populations exposed to seismic risk in the state of Oklahoma, Applied Geography 124:102295.

Eagle, J. and S-L Hsu, 2020. Ocean and Coastal Resources Law. Wolters Kluwer.

Ellis, J.T., Román-Rivera, M.A., Harris, M.E., and Tereszkiewicz, P.A., 2020. Two years and two hurricanes later: Did the dunes recover? Shore & Beach, 88(4), 3-12. http:/

Ellis, J.T., Harris, M.E.,Román-Rivera, M.A., Ferguson, J.B.,Tereszkiewicz, P.A., and McGill, S.P., 2020. Application of the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale to assess sand dune response to tropical storms. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 670.

Harris, M.E. and Ellis, J.T., 2020. A holistic approach to evaluating dune cores. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 24(4), 42.

Harris, M.E., Ellis, J.T., and Barrineau, C.P., 2020. Evaluating the geomorphic response from sand fences on dunes impacted by hurricanes. Ocean and Coastal Management, 193 (1):105247.

Huang X., Li Z.,Jiang Y., Li X., Porter D., 2020. Twitter reveals human mobility dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemicPloS One,

Huang, X., Li, Z., Lu, J., Wang, S., Wei, H., & Chen, B., 2020. Time-series clustering for home dwell time during COVID-19: What can we learn from it? ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(11), 675.

Huang, X., and C. Wang, 2020. Estimates of exposure to the 100-year floods in the conterminous United States using national building footprintsInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 50:101731.

Kia M., Amini A., Bayat M., Ziehl P. (2020). Probabilistic seismic demand analysis of structures using reliability approaches, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2150011.

Korsakov, A.V., Geger, E.V., Lagerev, D.G., Pugach, L.I., and Mousseau, T.A., 2020. De novo congenital malformation frequencies in children from the Bryansk region following the Chernobyl disaster (2000–2017). Heliyon, 6(8), p.e04616.

Kupfer, J.A.,Terando, A.J., Gao, P., Teske, C. and Hiers, J.K. 2020. Climate change projected to reduce prescribed burning opportunities in the south-eastern United StatesInternational Journal of Wildland Fire 29, 764–778.

Li Z., Li X., Porter D., Zhang J., Jiang Y., Olatosi B., Weissman S. (2020) Monitoring the Spatial Spread of COVID-19 and Effectiveness of Control Measures Through Human Movement Data: Proposal for a Predictive Model Using Big Data Analytics, JMIR Research Protocols 9(12):  e24432.

Lu, J, G.J. Carbone, X. Huang, K. Lackstrom, and P. Gao. 2020. Mapping the sensitivity of agriculture to drought and estimating the effect of irrigation in the United States, 1950-2016. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 292-293.

Martín, Yago, Susan L. Cutter, and Zhenlong Li, 2020. Bridging Twitter and survey data for evacuation assessment of Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Irma, Natural Hazards Review 21 (2): 04020003. online 23 January 2020.

Martín, Y., S.L. Cutter, Z. Li, C.T. Emrich, and J.T. Mitchell, 2020. Using geotagged tweets to track population movements to and from Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, Population & Environment, 42:4-27.

Morgan, G., M.E. Hodgson, S. Wang, 2020.  Using sUAS-derived point cloud to supplement LiDAR returns for improved canopy height model on earthen damsPapers in Applied Geography, 6(4): 436-448,

Mousseau, T.A. & A.P.Møllerr. 2020. Plants in the light of ionizing radiation: What have we learned from Chernobyl, Fukushima, and other “hot” places? Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 552.

Ning H., Li Z., Hodgson M.E., Wang C., 2020.  Prototyping a social media flooding photo screening system based on deep learningISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(2), 104;

O’Riordan, T., A.H. McGowan, S. Cutter, R. Hamann, and M. Lahsen, 2020.  Reframing sustainability in the emergent age, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 62 (6):2-7.

Pham, E.,  C.T. Emrich, Z. Li, J. Mitchem, and S.L. Cutter, 2020. Evacuation departure timing during Hurricane Matthew, Weather, Climate and Society 12(2): 235-248. Online 31 January 2020

Probst, JC, Zahnd WE, Hung P, Eberth JM, Crouch EL, Merrell MA. 2020. Rural-urban mortality disparities: variations across causes of death and race/ethnicity, 2013-2017. American Journal of Public Health. 2020;110(9):1325-1327.

Román-Rivera, M.A., Ellis, J.T., Wang, C., 2020. Applying a rule-based object-based image analysis approach for nearshore bar identification and characterization. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14(4), 044502.

Roncancio, D. J., S.L. Cutter, and A.C.Nardocci, 2020. Social vulnerability in Colombia, Intl. J. Disaster Risk Reduction 50:101872.

Rubin, Claire B. and Susan L. Cutter (eds.), 2020.  U.S. Emergency Management in the 21st Century: From Disaster to Catastrophe, Routledge.

Tuler, S., K. Dow, and T. Webler. 2020. Assessment of adaptation, policy, and capacity building outcomes from 14 processesEnvironmental Science and Policy, 114, 275-282.



Anderson, C.C., M. Hagenlocher, F.G. Renaud, Z.Sebesvari, S.L. Cutter, and C.T. Emrich, 2019. Comparing index-based vulnerability assessments in the Mississippi Delta: Implications of contrasting theories, indicators, and aggregation methodologies, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 39 (October):101128,

Committee on Measuring Community Resilience, 2019. Building and Measuring Community Resilience: Actions for Communities and the Gulf Research Program. The National Academies: Washington D.C. (Authoring members: Thad Allen (co-chair), Gerald E. Galloway, Jr. (co-chair), Michael Beck, Anita Chandra, Erin Coryell, Susan L. Cutter, Ann-Margaret Esnard, Howard Frumkin, Melanie Gall, Maureen Lichtveld, CarolosMartín, Chris Poland, Liesel Ritchie, and Kathryn Sullivan).

Cutter, Susan L., Rutherford H. Platt, Ian Burton, James K. Mitchell, Martin Reuss, Claire B. Rubin, James L. Wescoat Jr, and Barbara T. Richman, 2019. Reflections on Gilbert F. White: Scholar, Advocate, Friend, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 61 (5) Sept/Oct: 4-21.

Cutter, Susan L., 2019. Community resilience, natural hazards, and climate change: Is the present a prologue to the future? Norwegian J of Geography Special Issue, online 26 November 2019.

Cutter, S.L., and S. Derakhshan, 2019. Implementing disaster policy: Exploring scale and measurement schemes for disaster resilience, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 16(3):1-14,

Dahal, B., S.A.P. Kumar, and Z. Li, 2019. Topic modeling and sentiment analysis of global climate change tweetsSocial Network Analysis and Mining 9(24).

Ellis, J.T., and M.A. Román-Rivera, 2019. Assessing natural and mechanical dune performance in a post-hurricane environmentJ. Mar. Sci. Eng. 7(5),

Gall, M. and S.L. Cutter, 2019. Chapter 7: 2005 Events and Outcomes: Hurricane Katrina and Beyond, in C.B. Rubin (editor), Emergency Management: The American Experience, 1900-2010 (3rd Edition), Taylor and Francis Publisher, pp. 191-217.

Huang, X., C. Wang, and Z. Li, 2019. Linking picture with text: Tagging flood relevant tweets for rapid flood inundation mappingProceedings of the International Cartographic Association 2(45),

Huang, X., Li Z., Wang C., Ning H. (2019), Identifying disaster related social media for rapid response: A visual-textual fused CNN architecture, International Journal of Digital Earth,

Jiang, Y., Z. Li, and S.L. Cutter, 2019. Social network, activity space, sentiment, and evacuation: What can social media tell us? Annals of the American Association of Geographers,

Li, Z., Q. Huang, Y. Jiang, and F. Hu, 2019. SOVAS: A scalable online visual analytic system for big climate data analysisInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science,

Li Z., Huang Q., Emrich C., (eds) (2019) Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management, International Journal of Digital Earth, 12(11).

Li Z., Huang Q., Emrich C.T., (2019) Introduction to Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management, International Journal of Digital Earth, 12(11), 1198-1204.

Lu, J., G.J. Carbone, and J.M. Grego. 2019. Uncertainty and hotspots in 21st century projections of agricultural drought from CMIP5 models. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 4922.

Lu, J., G.J. Carbone, and P. Gao. 2019. Mapping the agricultural drought based on the long-term AVHRR NDVI and North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) in the United States, 1981-2013. Applied Geography 104: 10–20.

Magilligan, F.J., L.A. James, S.C. Lecce, J.T. Dietrich, and J.A.Kupfer, 2019. Geomorphic response to extreme rainfall, catastrophic flooding, and dam failures across an urban to rural landscapeAnnals of the American Association of Geographers 109(3):705-729,

Martín, Y., M. Zúñiga-Antón, and M.R. Mimbrero, 2019. Modelling temporal variation of fire-occurrence towards the dynamic prediction of human wildfire ignition danger in northeast SpainGeomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10(1):385-411.

Tereszkiewicz, P.A., J.T. Ellis, and H.A. Gould, 2019. Introducing a cost-effective method to assess beach-dune dynamics using existing infrastructureJournal of Coastal Conservation 23(3):563-569.



Aerts, J.C.J.H, W.J. Botzen, K.C. Clarke, S.L. Cutter, J.W. Hall, B. Merz, E. Michel-Kerjan, J. Mysiak, S. Surminski, and H. Kunreuther. 2018.  Perspective: Integrating human behavior dynamics into flood risk management, Nature Climate Change 8 (March): 193-199.

Ash, I.T., T.A. Mousseau, L. Onaga. 2018. Orbiting in the field: A taidan (conversation) on ecology and filmmaking inTohoku, JapanPositions, 26(2) 213-241.

Carbone, G.J., J. Lu, and M. Brunetti. 2018. Estimating uncertainty associated with the standardized precipitation index. International Journal of Climatology 38 (1):e607-e616.

Cutter, S.L., 2018.  Linkages between vulnerability and resilience, chapter 12 in S. Fuchs and T. Thaler (eds.), Vulnerability and Resilience to Natural Hazards, Cambridge University Press, pp. 257-270.

Cutter, S.L., 2018.  Risk, in N. Castree, M. Hulme, and J. Proctor (eds.), Companion to Environmental Studies, Routledge: London & New York, pp. 86-89.

Cutter, S.L., C.T. Emrich, M. Gall, and R. Reeves, 2018.  Flash flood risk and the paradox of urban developmentNatural Hazards Review

Cutter, S.L., and S. Derakhshan, 2018. Temporal and spatial change in disaster resilience in US counties, 2010-2015, Environmental Hazards, 19(1).

Cutter, S.L., 2018.  Compound, cascading, or complex disasters: What's in a name?, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 60 (6): 16-25.

Gao, P., G.J. Carbone, J. Lu, and D. Guo. 2018. An Area-Based Approach for Estimating Extreme Precipitation ProbabilityGeographical Analysis 50(3): 314-333.

Gao, P., G.J. Carbone, and J. Lu. 2018. Flood simulation in South Carolina watersheds using different precipitation inputsAdvances in Meteorology. Article ID 4085463.

Huang, X., Wang, C., Li, Z.  2018. A near real-time flood-mapping approach by integrating social media and post-event satellite imageryAnnals of GIS, 24(2), 113-123.

Hung, C-L. J., James, L.A., Hodgson, M.E.  2018.  An automated algorithm for mapping building impervious areas from airborne LiDAR point-cloud data for flood hydrologyGIScience & Remote Sensing.

Kishida, T.M., S. Derakhshan, S. Muin, R.B. Darragh, Y. Bozorgnia, N. Kuehn, and D.Y. Kwak, 2018. Multivariate Conversion of Moment Magnitude for Small-to-Moderate-Magnitude Earthquakes in IranEarthquake Spectra 34(1): 313-326.

Kuo, S.S., 2018.  Chapter 12: The uneasy case for disaster buyouts, in R. Lyster and R.R.M. Verchickk (eds.), Research Handbook on Climate Disaster Law, Edward Elgar, pp. 235-249.

Liu, J., W.W. Piegorsch, A. Grant Schissler, and S.L. Cutter, 2018.  Autologistic models for benchmark risk or vulnerability assessment of urban terrorism outcomesJ. R. Statist. Soc. A 181, Part 3: 803-821.

Møller, A.P., T.A. Mousseau. 2018. Reduced colonization by soil invertebrates to irradiated decomposing wood in ChernobylScience of the Total Environment, 645:773-779.

Omar-Nazirr, L., Shi, X., Møller, A.P., Mousseau, T.A., Byun, S., Hancock, S., Seymour, C., C.Mothersill. 2018. Long-term effects of ionizing radiation after the Chernobyl accident: Possible contribution of historic doseEnvironmental Research, 165: 55-62.



Cutter, S.L., 2017.  The changing context of hazard extremes: Events, impacts, and consequences, J. Extreme Events, 3(2): (February 2, 2017).

Cutter, S.L., 2017.  The forgotten casualties redux: Women, children, and disaster risk, Global Environmental Change 42:117-121.

Cutter, S.L., 2017.  The perilous nature of food supplies: Natural hazards, social vulnerability, and disaster resilience, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 59(1): 4-15.

Gall, M., 2017.  Direct and insured flood damage in the United States, in Flood Damage Survey and Assessment: New Insights from Research and Practice, edited by D. Molinari, S. Menoni, and F. Ballio.  Washington DC: American Geophysical Union, p. 53-64.

Hofferth, S.L., E.F. Moran, B. Entwisle, J.L. Aber, H.E. Brady, D. Conley, S.L. Cutter, C.C. Eckel, D. Hamilton, and K. Hubacek, 2017.  Introduction: History and motivation, Annals, American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS) 669: 6-17.

Ismail-Zadeh, A.T., S.L. Cutter, K. Takeuchi, and D. Paton, 2017.  Forging a paradigm shift in disaster scienceNatural Hazards 86 (2):969-988.

Li, Z., Wang, C., Emrich, C.T. and Guo, D., 2017. A novel approach to leveraging social media for rapid flood mapping: A case study of the 2015 South Carolina floods. Cartography and Geographic Information Science,

Martín, Y., M. Rodrigues Mimbrero, and M. Zúñiga-Antón , 2017. Community vulnerability to hazards: Introducing local expert knowledge into the equationNatural Hazards 89: 367-386.

Martin, Y., Z. Li, and S.L. Cutter, 2017.  Leveraging Twitter to gauge evacuation compliance: Spatiotemporal analysis of Hurricane MatthewPLoS ONE 12(7):e0181701.



Birkmann, J., F. Wenzel, S. Greiving, M. Garschagen, D. Vallée, W. Nowak, T. Welle, S. Fina, A. Goris, B. Rilling, F. Fiedrich, A. Fekete, S.L. Cutter, S. Düzgün, A. Ley, M. Friedrich, E. Kuhlmann, B. Novák, S. Wieprecht, C. Riegel, A. Thieken, J. Rhyner, U. Ulbrich, and J.K. Mitchell, 2016. Extreme events, criticalinfrastrucuress, human vulnerability and strategic planning: emerging research issuesJ. Extreme Events 3(4):

Cutter, S.L., 2016.  Commentary, Resilience to What? Resilience for Whom? The Geographical Journal 182(2):110-113.

Cutter, S.L., 2016.  Our hazardous environment: Four decades of progress or retrenchment? Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 58(1):2-4.

Cutter, S.L., 2016.  The Landscape of Disaster Resilience Indicators in the USA, Natural Hazards 80(2):741-758.

Cutter, S.L., 2016.  Demographic change after Hurricane Katrina: A tale of two places, in Helen James and Douglas Paton, The Consequences of Disasters: Demographic, Planning and Policy Implications.  Springfield, IL: CH Thomas Publishers, p. 49-64. 

Cutter, S.L., K.D. Ash, and C.T. Emrich, 2016.  Urban-rural differences in disaster resilience, Annals of the American Association of Geographers 106(6):1236-1252.

Gall, M. and S.L. Cutter, 2016.  Understanding disaster risk through loss data, in Solving the Puzzle: Where to Invest to Understand Risk, Written Contributions.  Washington D.C.: World Bank, p. 70-73.

Hames, E., J. Stoler, C.T. Emrich, S. Tewary, and N. Pandya, 2016.  A GIS approach to identifying socially and medically vulnerable older adult populations in South Florida, The Gerontologist.

Hummell, B.M. de L., S.L. Cutter, and C.T. Emrich, 2016.  Social vulnerability to natural hazards in BrazilInt J. Disaster Risk Sci 7(2):111-122.

Liu, S. and M.E. Hodgson, 2016. Satellite image acquisition planning for large area disaster emergency response, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 118: 13-21

Means, B. and S.S. Kuo, 2016.  Collective Coercion, Boston College Law Review 57(5): Article 4.



Bowserr, G.C. and S.L. Cutter, 2015. Stay or go? Examining decision making and behavior in hurricane evacuations, Environment 57(6):28-41.

Cutter, S.L., A. Ismail-Zadeh, I. Alcántara-Ayala, O. Altan, D.N. Baker, S. Briceño, H. Gupta, A. Holloway, D. Johnston, G.A. McBean, Y. Ogawa, D. Paton, E. Porio, R.K. Silbereisen, K. Takeuchi, G.B. Valsecchi, C. Vogel, and G. Wu, 2015. Global Risks: Pool Knowledge to Stem Losses from Disasters, Nature 522:277-279.

Cutter, S.L. and C. Emrich, 2015.  “A Tale of Two Recoveries: 5 Lessons from Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy,"  Emergency Management, June 25, 2015.

Cutter, S.L. and M. Gall, 2015. Sendai Targets at Risk, Nature Climate Change 5 (August):707-709.

Gall, M. 2015. "The Suitability of Disaster Loss Databases to Measure Loss and Damage from Climate Change, Intl. J. Global Warming 8(2):170-190.

Gall, M., K.H. Nguyen, and S.L. Cutter, 2015. "Integrated Research on Disaster Risk: Is it Really Integrated?"  Intl. Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 12:255-267.

Ismail-Zadeh, A. and S. Cutter (editors), 2015. Disaster Risks Research and Assessment to Promote Risk Reduction and Management. Paris, France:ICSU-ISSC Ad-Hoc Group on Disaster Risk Assessment. 

Morath, D. and C. Emrich, 2015.  "Benchmarking Disaster Recovery using Collector for ArcGIS,"  ArcUser Winter:20-22.



Cutter, S.L., 2014.  “What makes events extreme?"  J. Extreme Events 1(1): 4 pp.

Cutter, S.L., 2014. Building Disaster Resilience: Steps toward Sustainability, Challenges in Sustainability, 1(2):72-79.

Cutter, S.L., K.D. Ash, and C.T. Emrich, 2014.  “The Geographies of Community Disaster Resilience,” Global Environmental Change 29:65-77.

Cutter, S.L. and M. Gall, 2014.  “Hurrikan Katrina – gescheiterte Planung order geplantes Scheitern?" Chapter 27 in C. Felgentreff and T. Glade (eds.), Naturrisiken und Sozialkatastrophen. Berlin und Heidelberg: SpringerVerlagg, pp. 353-365.

Cutter, S.L., R. Schumann, and C.T. Emrich, 2014. Exposure, Social Vulnerability and Recovery Disparities in New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy,  Journal of Extreme Events, 1(1): 23 pp.

Cutter, S.L., W. Solecki, N. Gragado, J. Carmin, M. Fragkias, M. Ruth, and T. Wilbanks, 2014. "Urban Systems, Infrastructure, and Vulnerability," Chapter 11, National Climate Assessment 2013, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Gall, M., C.T. Emrich, and S.L. Cutter, 2014.  “Vulnerability and Loss”  in Understanding Risk in an Evolving World: Emerging Best Practices in Natural Disaster Risk Assessment,  Washington D.C.: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, The World Bank, pp. 59-63.  Based on an input paper, “Who Needs Loss Data?” prepared for the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Gall, M., S.L. Cutter, and K. Nguyen, 2014. Incentives for Disaster Risk Management (IRDR AIRDR Publication No. 2). Beijing, China: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3178.8325.

Gall, M., S.L. Cutter, and K. Nguyen, 2014. Governance in Disaster Risk Management (IRDR AIRDR Publication No. 3). Beijing, China: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk. doi: 10.13140/2.1.2130.2568.

Gall, M., S.L. Cutter, and K. Nguyen, 2014.Transformative Development and Disaster Risk Management (IRDR AIRDR Publication No. 4). Beijing, China: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk. doi: 10.13140/2.1.1605.9682.

Guillard-Gonçalves, C., S.L. Cutter, C.T. Emrich, and J.L. Zêzere, 2014. Application of Social Vulnerability Index (SOVI) and delineation of natural risk zones in Greater Lisbon, Portugal, Journal of Risk Research, 18(5):651-674.

Moran, E.F., S.L.Hofferth, C.C. Eckel, D. Hamilton, B. Entwisle, J.L. Aber, H.E. Brady, D. Conley, S.L. Cutter, K. Hubacek, and J.T. Scholz, 2014.  “Opinion: Building a 21st Centruyy Infrastructure for the Social Sciences,” Proceedings, US National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 111 (45):15855-15856.



Ash, K.D., S.L. Cutter, and C.T. Emrich, 2013.  “Acceptable Losses? The Relative Impacts of Natural Hazards in the United States, 1980-2009,” Intl. J. Disaster Risk Reduction, 5:61-72.

Birkmann, J., S.L. Cutter, D.S. Rothman, T. Welle, M. Garschagen, B. vanRuijven, B. O’Neill, B.L. Preston, S. Kienberger, O.D. Cardona, T. Siagiann, D. Hidayati, N. Setiadi, C.R. Binder, B. Hughes, and R. Pulwarty, 2013.  “Scenarios for Vulnerability: Opportunities and Constraints in the Context of Climate Change and Disaster Risk,” Climatic Change,

Chen, W., S.L. Cutter, C.T. Emrich, and P. Shi, 2013.  “Measuring Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in the Yangtze River Delta Region, China,” Intl Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 4(4):169-181.

Cutter, S.L. and D.P. Morathh, 2013.  “The Evolution of the Social Vulnerability Index SoVII),” in J.Birkmannn (ed.) Measuring Vulnerability to Natural Hazards, 2nd Edition.  Bonn: United Nations University Press, pp. 304-321

Cutter, S.L., C. Emrich, D. Morathh, and C.M. Dunning, 2013.  “A Method for Including Social Vulnerability into Flood Risk Management Planning,” J. Flood Risk Management, 6(4):332-344.

Cutter, S.L., 2013.  “Vulnerability”, Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, P.T. Bobrowsky (ed.), Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 1088-1090.

Cutter, S.L. and C. Corendea (eds), 2013.  From Social Vulnerability to Resilience: Measuring Progress toward Disaster Risk Reduction. Source No. 17, Bonn: UNU-EHS, United Nations University.

Cutter, S.L. and M.L. Zoback, 2013.  “Improving the Nation’s Resilience to Disasters,”  EOS, Transactions of theAGUU, 94(9):89-90

Cutter, S.L., J.A. Ahearn, B. Amadei, P. Crawford, E.A. Eide, G.E. Galloway, M.F. Goodchild, H.C. Kunreuther, M. Li-Vollmerr, M. Schoch-Spana, S.C. Scrimshaw, E.M. Stanley, G. Whitney and M.L. Zoback, 2013.  “Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative,” Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 55(2): 25-29.

Gao, P., D. Guo, K. Liao, J. Webb, and S.L. Cutter, 2013.  “Early Detection of Terrorism Outbreaks using Prospective Space-Time Scan Statistics,” Professional Geographer 65 (4): 676-691.

Kunkel, K.E., T.R. Karl, H. Brooks, J. Kossin, J.H. Lawrimore, D. Arndt, L. Bosart, D. Changnon, S.L. Cutter, N.Doesken, K. Emanuel, P.Y. Groismann, R.W. Katz, T. Knutson, J. O’Brien, C.J. Paciorek, T.C. Peterson, K. Redmond, D. Robinson, J. Trapp , R. Vose, S. Weaver, M. Wehner, K. Wolter, and D. Wuebbles, 2013.  “Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge,”  Bulletin of Am. Met. Society   94(4):499-514.

Schumann III, R.L., 2013. Recovering Destination from Devastion: Tourism, Image and Economy Along the Hurricane Coasts. Southeastern Geographer 53(2):  136-156. Recovering Destination from Devastion: Tourism, Image and Economy Along the Hurricane Coasts.

Ward, S.M, Emrich, C.T., Schumann, R.S. and K.D. Ash. 2013. Research-Based Decision Support in Hazard Mitigation: Louisiana Northshore Flood and Hurricane Protection, Journal of Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 3(3): 38-68.



Battersby, S.E., M.E. Hodgson, and J. Wang, 2012. Spatial Resolution Imagery Requirements for Identifying Structure Damage in a Hurricane Disaster: A Cognitive Approach, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 78(6): 625-635.

Kar, B., and M.E. Hodgson, 2012. A Process Oriented Areal Interpolation Technique: A Coastal County Example, Cartography and Geographical Information Science, 39(1): 3-16.

Kar, B., and M.E. Hodgson, 2012. Observational Scale and Modeled Potential Residential Loss from a Storm Surge, GIScience and Remote Sensing, 49(2): 202-227.



Battersby, S., J.T. Mitchell, and S.L. Cutter, 2011. Development of an Online Hazards Atlas to Improve Disaster Awareness, Intl. Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 20(4): 297-308.

Burton, C., J.T. Mitchell, and S.L. Cutter, 2011. Evaluating Post-Katrina Recovery in Mississippi with Repeat Photography, Disasters, 35(3): 488-509.

Cutter, S.L., 2011. “The Katrina Exodus: Internal Displacements and Unequal Outcomes,” Foresight Global Environmental Migration, CS1 New Orleans—examining multiple migration outcomes from the same event.

Emrich, C.T. and S.L. Cutter, 2011. Social Vulnerability to Climate-Sensitive Hazards in the Southern United States, Journal of Weather, Climate, and Society, 3(3): 193-208.

Emrich, C., S.L. Cutter, and P.J. Weschler, 2011. GIS and Emergency Management,” in Nyerges, T., H. Couclelis, and R.B. McMaster (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society, SAGE Publications, pp. 321-343. 

Gall, M., K.A. Borden, C.T. Emrich, and S.L. Cutter, 2011. The Unsustainable Trend of Natural Hazard Losses in the United States, Sustainability, 3: 2157-2181.

Schmidtlein, M., J. Shafer, M. Berry, and S.L. Cutter, 2011. Modeled Earthquake Losses and Social Vulnerability in Charleston, South Carolina, Applied Geography, 31(1): 269-281.

Tate, E., C.G. Burton, M. Berry, C.T. Emrich, and S.L. Cutter, 2011. Integrated Hazards Mapping Tool, Transactions in GIS, 15(5): 689-706.



Burton, C., 2010. Social Vulnerability and Hurricane Impact Modeling, Natural Hazards Review, 11(2): 58-68.

Cutter, S.L., 2009. "Social Science Perspectives on Hazards and Vulnerability Science. In T. Beer (ed.)," Geophysical Hazards: Minimizing Risk Maximizing Awareness. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 17-30.

Cutter, S.L., C.G. Burton, and C.T. Emrich, 2010. Disaster Resilience Indicators for Benchmarking Baseline Conditions, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 7(1), Article 51.

Dow, K., 2010. News Coverage of Drought Impacts and Vulnerability in the US Carolinas, 1998-2007, Natural Hazards, 54: 497-518.

Finch, C., C.T. Emrich, and S.L. Cutter, 2010. Disaster Disparities and Differential Recovery in New Orleans, Population and Environment, 31(4): 179-202.

Jordan, T.E., O.E. Sala, S.G. Stafford, J.L. Bubier, J.C. Crittenden, S.L. Cutter, A.C. Kay, G.D. Libecap, J.C. Moore, N.N. Rabalais, J.M. Shepherd, and J. Travis, 2010. "Tipping Our Science: New NSF Report Recommends Interdisciplinary Approach to Study Natural and Social Systems," EOS, Transactions of theAGUU 91(16): 143-144.

Melton, G., M. Gall, J.T. Mitchell, and S.L. Cutter, 2010. Hurricane Katrina Storm Surge Delineation: Implications for Future Storm Surge Forecasts and Warnings, Natural Hazards, 54(2): 519-536.

Stafford, S.G., D.M. Bartels, S. Campbell, J.L. Bubier, J.C. Crittenden, S.L. Cutter, J.R. Delaney, T.E. Jordan, A.C. Kay, G.D. Libecap, J.C. Moore, N.N. Rabalais, D. Rejeski, O.E. Sala, J.M. Shepherd, and J. Travis, 2010. Now Is the Time for Action: Transitions and Tipping Points in Complex Environmental Systems, Environment, 52(1): 39-47.

Stevenson, J.R., C.T. Emrich, J.T. Mitchell, and S.L. Cutter, 2010. "Using Building Permits to Monitor Disaster Recovery: A Spatio-Temporal Case Study of Coastal Mississippi Following Hurricane Katrina," Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 37(1): 57-68.

Tate E., S.L. Cutter, and M. Berry, 2010. Integrated Multihazard Mapping, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design,37(4): 646–663.

Wood, N.J., C.J. Burton, and S.L. Cutter, 2010."Community Variations in Social Vulnerability to Cascadia-Related Tsunamis in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, Natural Hazards, 52(2): 369–389.



Cutter, S.L. and M.M. Smith, 2009. Fleeing from the Hurricane’s Wrath: Evacuation and the Two Americas, Environment, 51(2): 26-36.

Dow, K., R.L. Murphy, and G.J. Carbone, 2009. Consideration of User Needs and Spatial Accuracy in Drought Mapping, J. American Water Resources Association, 45(1): 187-197.

Gall, M., K. Borden, and S.L. Cutter, 2009. When do Losses Count? Six Fallacies of Natural Hazards Loss Data, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90 (6): 799-809.

Mitchell, J.T. 2009. Hazards Education and Academic Standards in the Southeastern United States, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 18(2): 134-148.

Webb, J. and S.L. Cutter, 2009. The Geography of U.S. Terrorist Incidents, 1970-2004, Terrorism & Political Violence, 21: 428-449.



Borden, K. and S.L. Cutter, 2008. Spatial Patterns of Natural Hazard Mortality in the United States, International Journal of Health Geographics, 7(64): (31 pp.).

Burton, C. and S.L. Cutter, 2008. "Levee Failures and Social Vulnerability in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Area, California," Natural Hazards Review, 9(3):136-149.

Cutter, S.L., 2008. "Vulnerability Analysis, Environmental Hazards." In Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment, edited by Ed Melnick and Brian Everitt. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp. 1845-1848.

Cutter, S.L., L. Barnes, M. Berry, C. Burton, E. Evans, E. Tate, and J. Webb, 2008. "A Place-Based Model for Understanding Community Resilience to Natural Disasters," Global Environmental Change, 18 (4) 598-606.

Cutter, S.L., L. Barnes, M. Berry, C. Burton, E. Evans, E. Tate, and J. Webb, 2008. "Community and Regional Resilience: Perspectives from Hazards, Disasters, and Emergency Management," CARRI Research Report 1. Oak Ridge National Lab: Community and Regional Resilience Initiative.

Cutter, S.L. and C. Finch, 2008. Temporal and Spatial Changes in Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(7): 2301-2306.

Cutter, S.L., M. Gall, and C.T. Emrich, 2008. "Toward a Comprehensive Loss Inventory of Weather and Climate Hazards," in H.F. Díaz and R.J. Murnane (eds.), Climate Extremes and Society. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 279-295.

Edmonds, A.E. and S.L. Cutter, 2008. "Planning for Pet Evacuations During Disasters," J. Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 5(1): Article 33 (18 pp.).

Hodgson, M.E. and B. Kar, 2008 "Modeling the Potential Swath Coverage of Nadir and Off-Nadir Pointable Remote Sensing Satellite-Sensor Systems," Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 35(3): 147-156.

James, L.A. and S.L. Cutter, 2008. "Flood Hazards in the Central Valley of California," Natural Hazards Review, 9(3): 101-103.

Kar, B. and M.E. Hodgson, 2008. A GIS-Based Model to Determine Site Suitability of Emergency Evacuation Shelters, Transactions in GIS, 12(2): 227-248.

Kupfer, J.A., D. Glenn and J. Sackett, 2008. "Patterns and Controls of Hurricane-Caused Forest Damage: A Landscape-Scale Analysis of Treefall Direction Following Hurricane Katrina," Professional Geographer, 60(4):478-494.

Kupfer, J.A., A.T. Myers, S.E. McLane, and G.N. Melton, 2008. "Patterns of Forest Damage in a Southern Mississippi Landscape Caused by Hurricane Katrina," Ecosystems, 11(1): 45-60.

Mitchell, J.T., K.A. Borden, and M.C. Schmidtlein, 2008, "Teaching Hazards Geography and Geographic Information Systems: A Middle School Level Experience," International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education.

Peterson, T.C., D.M. Anderson, S.J. Cohen, M. Cortex-Vazquez, R.J. Murnane, C. Parmesan, D. Phillips, R.S. Pulwarty, J.M.R. Stone with contributing authors T.G. Houston, S.L. Cutter and M. Gall, 2008. "Why Weather and Climate Extremes Matter." In Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate. Regions of Focus: North America, Hawaii, Caribbean, and U.S. Pacific Islands. T.R. Karl, G.A. Meehl, C.D. Miller, S.J. Hassol, A.M. Waple, and W.L. Murray (eds.). A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, Washington, DC.

Piegorsch, Walter W. and Susan L. Cutter, 2008. "Urban Centers Exhibit Differential Vulnerability to Terrorism." Contingency Today, 14 April 2008.

Schmidtlein, M.C., S.L. Cutter, and C. Finch, 2008. "Disaster Declarations and Major Hazard Occurrences in the United States," Professional Geographer, 60(1):1-14.

Schmidtlein, M.C., R.C. Deutsch, W.W. Piegorsch, and S.L. Cutter, 2008. "Building Indexes of Vulnerability: A Sensitivity Analysis of the Social Vulnerability Index," Risk Analysis, 28(4): 1099-1114.



Barnes, L.R., E.C. Gruntfest, M.H. Hayden, D.M. Schultz, and C. Benight, 2007. "False Alarms and Close Calls: A Conceptual Model of Warning Accuracy," Weather and Forecasting, 22(5): 1140-1147.

Benight, C.C., E.C. Gruntfest, M. Hayden, and L.R. Barnes, 2007. "Trauma and Short-Fuse Weather Warning Perceptions," Environmental Hazards, 7(3): 220-226.

Borden, K.A., M.C. Schmidtlein, C.T. Emrich, W.W. Piegorsch, and S.L. Cutter, 2007. "Vulnerability of U.S. Cities to Environmental Hazards," Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 4(2): Article #5.

Boruff, B.J. and S.L. Cutter, 2007. "The Environmental Vulnerability of Caribbean Island Nations," The Geographical Review, 91(1): 24-45.

Cutter, S.L., L.A. Johnson, C. Finch, and M. Berry, 2007. "The U.S. Hurricane Coast: Increasingly Vulnerable?" Environment, 49(7): 8-20.

Cutter, S.L., C.T. Emrich, B.J. Adams, C.K. Huyck, and R.T. Eguchi, 2007. "Utilizing New Information Technologies in Managing Hazards and Disasters," in K. Tierney and W. Waugh (eds.), Emergency Management: Principles and Practice for Local Government, 2nd edition. Washington, DC: ICMA Press, pp. 279-298.

Cutter, S.L. and M. Gall, 2007. "Hurricane Katrina: A Failure of Planning or Planned Failure?" [in German], in C. Felgentreff and T. Glade (eds.), Naturrisiken und Sozialkatastrophen. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pp. 353-366.

Dow, K., R.E. O’Connor, B. Yarnal, G.J. Carbone, and C.L. Jocoy, 2007. "Why Worry? Community Water System Managers’ Perceptions of Climate Vulnerability," Global Environmental Change, 17(2): 228-237.

Gall, M., B.J. Boruff, and S.L. Cutter, 2007. "Assessing Flood Hazard Zones in the Absence of Digital Floodplain Maps: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches," Natural Hazards Review, 8(1): 1-21.

Gall, M. and S.L. Cutter, 2007. "2005 Events and Outcomes: Beyond Hurricane Katrina," in C.B. Rubin (ed.), Emergency Management: The American Experience 1900-2005. Fairfax, VA: Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI), pp. 185-205.

Gall, M. and S.L. Cutter. "Natural and Human-Induced Disasters and Other Factors Affecting Future Emergency Response and Hazard Management: Trends and Outlook," Water Resources Outlook. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources. Report 2007-R-4, October 16, 2007.

Guo, D., K. Liao, and M. Morgan, 2007. "Visualizing Patterns in a Global Terrorism Incident Database," Environment and Planning, 34(5): 767-784.

Hayden, M.H., S. Drobot, S. Radil, E.C. Gruntfest, and L.R. Barnes, 2007. "Information Sources for Flash Flood Warnings in Denver, CO and Austin, TX," Environmental Hazards, 7(3): 211-219.

Kupfer, J.A, M.A. Roberts, S. Walker, J.L. Pinckney, J.E. Moore, J.M. Quattro and S.B. Franklin, 2007. "Ecological Impacts and Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency Following Hurricane Katrina," Southeastern Biology, 54: 407-418.

Malanson, G.P., Q. Wang and J.A. Kupfer, 2007. "Ecological Processes and Spatial Patterns Before, During and After Simulated Deforestation," Ecological Modelling, 202: 397-409.

Mitchell, J.T., S.L. Cutter, and A.S. Edmonds, 2007. "Improving Shadow Evacuation Management: Case Study of the Graniteville, South Carolina Chlorine Spill," Journal of Emergency Management, 5(1): 28-34. 

Piegorsch, W.W., S.L. Cutter, and F. Hardisty, 2007. "Benchmark Analysis for Quantifying Urban Vulnerability to Terrorist Incidents," Risk Analysis, 27(6): 1411-1425.

Raber, G.T., J.R. Jensen, M.E. Hodgson, J.A. Tullis, B.A. Davis, and J. Berglund, 2007. "Impact of Lidar Nominal Post-Spacing on DEM Accuracy and Flood Zone Delineation," Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 73(7): 793-804.



Cutter, S.L., 2006. "Hazards, Vulnerability, and Environmental Justice." London and Sterling, VA: Earthscan. 418 pp.

Cutter, S.L., C.T. Emrich, J.T. Mitchell, B.J. Boruff, M. Gall, M.C. Schmidtlein, C.G. Burton, and G. Melton, 2006. "The Long Road Home: Race, Class, and Recovery from Hurricane Katrina," Environment, 48(2): 8-20.

Cutter, S.L. and C.T. Emrich, 2006. "Moral Hazard, Social Catastrophe: The Changing Face of Vulnerability along the Hurricane Coasts," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 604: 102-112.

Dow, K. and T.E. Downing, 2006. Atlas of Climate Change. Berkeley: University of California Press and London: Earthscann.

Jensen, J.R. and M.E. Hodgson, 2006. “Remote Sensing of Natural and Man-made Hazards and Disasters,” in M.K. Ridd and J.D. Hipple (eds.), Manual of Remote Sensing of Human Settlements. Bethesda, MD: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, pp. 401-429.

Mitchell, J.T., 2006. "Conflicting Threat Perceptions at a Rural Agricultural Fair," Tourism Management, 27(6): 1298-1307.

Mitchell, J.T., 2006. "Hurricane Katrina and Mississippi’s ‘Invisible’ Coast," Southeastern Geographer, 46(2): 181-188.

Yarnal, B., A.L. Heasley, R.E. O’Connor, K. Dow, and C.L. Jocoy, 2006. "The Potential Use of Climate Forecasts by Community Water System Managers," Land Use and Water Resources Research Vol. 6.



Boruff, B.J., C. Emrich, and S.L. Cutter, 2005. “Erosion Hazard Vulnerability of U.S. Coastal Counties," Journal of Coastal Research, 21(5): 932-942.

Carbone, G.J. and K. Dow, 2005. “Water Resource Management and Drought Forecasts in South Carolina," Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 41(1): 145-155.

Cutter, S.L., 2005. “The Geography of Social Vulnerability: Race, Class, and Catastrophe," Social Science Research Council, Understanding Katrina: Perspectives from the Social Sciences.

Cutter, S.L., 2005. “The Role of Vulnerability Science in Disaster Preparedness and Response Research." Testimony provided to the Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Science, “The Role of Social Science Research in Disaster Preparedness and Response”, November 10, 2005.

Cutter, S.L., 2005. “Hazards Measurement,” in K. Kempf-Leonard (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, Volume 2. New York: Academic Press, pp. 197-202.

Cutter, S.L., 2005. “Are We Asking the Right Question?” in R.W. Perry and E.L. Quarantelli (eds.), What is a Disaster?: New Answers to Old Questions. New York: Xlibris, pp. 39-48.

Cutter, S.L. and C. Emrich, 2005. “Are Natural Hazards and Disaster Losses in the U.S. Increasing?”, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 86(41), October 11, 2005: 381, 388-89.

DeCastro, M. and B.H. Singer, 2005. "Was Malaria Present in the Amazon before the European Conquest? Available Evidence and Future Research Agenda," Journal of Archaeological Science, 32: 337-340.

Dow, K., 2005. “Steps Toward Mapping Vulnerability to Climate Change”, Directions Magazine, July.

Dow, K., E.R. Carr, A. Douma, G. Han, and K.Hallding, 2005. “Linking Water Scarcity to Population Movements: From Global Models to Local Experiences," Stockholm, Sweden: SEI Risk and VulnerabilityProgramme Report 2005.

Jensen, J.R., M.E. Hodgson, J.A.Tullis, and G.T.Raber, 2005. “Remote Sensing of Impervious Surfaces and Building Infrastructures,” Using Geospatial Technologies in Urban Environments, R.R. Jensen, J. Gatrell, and D.D. McLane, Eds., SpringerVerlag: New York, pp. 5-21. 

Keiser, J., M. DeCastro, M.F. Maltese, R.Boss, M. Tanner, B.H. Singer, and J. Utzinger, 2005. "Effect of Irrigation and Large Dams on the Burden of Malaria on Global and Regional Scale," American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 72(4): 392-406.

Kupfer, J.A. and J.D. Miller, 2005. “Wildfire Effects and Post-fire Responses of an Invasive Mesquite Population: The Interactive Importance of Grazing and Non-Native Herbaceous Species Invasion," Journal of Biogeography, 32: 453-466.

Lindskog, E., K. Dow, G. Nilsson Axberg, F. Miller, and A. Hancock, 2005. “When Rapid Changes to Social, Economic and Environment Conditions Converge: Challenges to Sustainable Livelihoods in Dak Lak, Vietnam," Stockholm, Sweden: SEI Risk and Vulnerability Programme Report 2005.

McMahon, G., S.P. Benjamin, K. Clarke, J.E. Findley, R.N. Fisher, W.L. Graf, L.C. Gundersen, J.W. Jones, T.R. Loveland, K.S. Roth, L. Usery, and N.J. Wood, 2005. Geography for a Changing World: A Science Strategy for the Geographic Research of the U.S. Geological Survey, 2005-2015. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 1281, 54 pp.

O’Connor, R.E., B. Yarnal, K. Dow, C.L. Jacoy, and G.J. Carbone, 2005. “Feeling At-Risk Matters: Water Managers and the Decision to Use Forecasts,” Risk Analysis, 25(5): 1265-1275.

Parnell, D.B., D. Brommerr, P.G. Dixon, M.E. Brown, and D.W. Gamble, 2005. “A Survey of Hurricane Frances Damage on San Salvador,” Bahamas Journal of Science, 12(1): 2-6.



Beer, T., P. Bobrowsky, P. Canuti, S. Cutter, and S. Marsh, 2004. “Hazards—Minimising Risk, Maximizing Awareness," Prospectus for a Key Theme for the International Year of the Planet Earth 2005-2007. Earth Sciences for Society, International Union of Geological Sciences, UNESCO. Leiden, The Netherlands: Earth Sciences for Society Foundation, 16 pp.

Brunn, S.D., S.L. Cutter, and J.W. Harrington Jr. (eds.), 2004. Geography and Technology. Dordrecht, Boston, and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 613 pp.

Cutter, S.L., D.B. Richardson, and T.J. Wilbanks, 2004. “The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism: Future Directions,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(4): 1001-1002.

Dahlman, C.T., 2004. “Geographies of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing: The Lessons of Bosnia-Herzegovina.” in C. Flint (ed.) The Geography of War and Peace: From Death Camps to Diplomats. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp. 174-197.

DeCastro, M., Y. Yamagata, D. Mtasiwa, M. Tanner, J. Utzinger, J. Keiser, and B.H. Singer, 2004. "Integrated Urban Malaria Control: A Case Study In Dar es Salaam, Tanzania," American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 71(Suppl 2): 103-117.

Gall, M., 2004. "Where to go? Strategic Modelling of Access to Emergency Shelters in Mozambique," Disasters, 28(1): 79-93.

James, L.A., 2004. Tailings Fans and Valley-Spur Cutoffs Created by Hydraulic Mining. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(7): 869-882.

Keiser, J., J. Utzinger, M. DeCastro, T. Smith, M. Tanner, and B.H. Singer, 2004. "Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa and Implications for Malaria Control," American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 71(Suppl 2): 118-127.

Mock, C.J., 2004. “Tropical Cyclone Reconstructions from Documentary Records; Examples from South Carolina." In R.J. Murnane and K.B. Liu (eds.), Hurricanes and Typhoons: Past, Present and Future, New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 121-148.

Ó Tuathail, G. and C.T. Dahlman, 2004. “The Clash ofGovernmentalitiess: Displacement and Return in Bosnia-Herzegovina,” In W. Larner and W. Walters (eds.), Global Governmentality: Governing International Spaces. London: Routledge, pp. 136-154.

Ó Tuathail, G. and C.T. Dahlman, 2004. “The Effort to Reverse Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Limits of Returns.” Eurasian Geography and Economics. 45(6): 439-464.



Boruff, B.J., J.A. Easoz, S.D. Jones, H.R. Landry, J.D. Mitchem, and S.L. Cutter, 2003. "Tornado hazards in the United States," Climate Research, 24: 103-117.

Carbone, G.J., L.O. Mearns, T. Mavromatis, E.J. Sadler, and D. Stooksbury, 2003. “Evaluating CROPGRO-Soybean Performance for use in Climate Impact Studies,” Agronomy Journal, 95(3): 537-544.

Cutter, S.L., 2003. "GI Science, Disasters, and Emergency Management,” Transactions in GIS, 7(4): 439-445.

Cutter, S.L., 2003. “The Science of Vulnerability and the Vulnerability of Science,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 93(1):1-12.

Cutter, S.L., J.T. Mitchell, A.A. Hill, L.M.B. Harrington, S-L. Kaktins, W.A. Muraco, J. DeHart, A. Reynolds, and R. Shudak. 2003. "Attitudes Toward ReducingGreehousee Gas Emissions from Local Places," in Global Change in Local Places: Estimating, Understanding, and Reducing Greenhouse Gases, edited by The Association of American GeographersGCLPP Research Team. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 171-191.

Cutter, S.L., B.J. Boruff, and W.L. Shirley, 2003. “Social Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards,” Social Science Quarterly, 84(1): 242-261.

Cutter, S.L., D.B. Richardson, and T.J. Wilbanks (eds.), 2003. The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism. New York and London:Routledgee.

Cutter, S.L., D.B. Richardson, and T.J. Wilbanks, 2003. “The Changing Landscape of Fear,” in S.L. Cutter, D.B. Richardson, and T.J. Wilbanks (eds.), The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism. New York and London:Routledgee, pp. 1-5.

Cutter, S.L., D.B. Richardson, and T.J. Wilbanks, 2003. “A Research and Action Agenda,” in S.L. Cutter, D.B. Richardson, and T.J. Wilbanks (eds.), The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism. New York and London:Routledgee, pp. 223-229.

Cutter, S.L. and W.H. Renwick, 2003. Exploitation, Conservation, Preservation: A Geographic Perspective on Natural Resource Use Fourth Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 390 pp.

Hodgson, M.E., J.R. Jensen, L. Schmidt, S. Schilll, and B. Davis, 2003. “An Evaluation ofLIDARR- and IFSARR-derived Digital Elevation Models in Leaf-on Conditions with USGSS Level 1 and Level 2DEMs,” Remote Sensing of Environment, 84(2): 295-308

Knight, C.G., S.L. Cutter, J. DeHart, A.S. Denny, D.G. Howard, S-L. Kaktins, D.E. Kromm, S.E. White, and B. Yarnal, 2003. "Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Learning From Local Analogs," in Global Change in Local Places: Estimating, Understanding, and Reducing Greenhouse Gases, edited by The Association of American Geographers GCLPP Research Team. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 192-213.

Koch, S.E., and J.D. Mitchem, 2003. “A Structured Process for Prediction of Convection Associated with Split Cold Fronts,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 84(2): 174-179.

Mitchell, J.T., 2003. "Prayer in Disaster: Case Study of Christian Clergy," Natural Hazards Review, 4(1): 20-26.

Mitchell, J.T., A. Hill, M. Baker, S. Jones, and S.L. Cutter, 2003. “Transitory Trouble: Inter-and Intra-State Hazardous Materials Flows in South Carolina,” Middle States Geographer, 35:13-21.

Mitchem, J.D., 2003. “An Analysis of the September 20, 2002 Indianapolis Tornado: Public Response to a Tornado Warning and Damage Assessment Difficulties.” Quick Response Report #161, Natural Hazards Center,University of Colorado.

Montz, B.E., J.A. Cross, and S.L. Cutter, 2003. “Hazards,” in G. Gaile and C. Willmott (eds.), Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 481-491.

Shoaf, K., V. Argothy, B.J. Boruff, L. Cubbin, and J. Miller, 2003. “Chapter 9: Societal Impacts,” in A. Rodriguez-Marek and C. Edwards (eds.), Earthquake Spectra. Supplement A to Volume 19.

Thomas, D.S.K., S.L. Cutter, M.E. Hodgson, M. Gutekunst, and S. Jones, 2003. “Use of Spatial Data and Geographic Technologies in Response to the September 11 Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center,” in Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center, Public Entity Risk Institute, and Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems, Beyond September 11th: An Account of Post-disaster Research. Special Publication 39. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center, University of Colorado, pp.147-162.

Wilbanks, T.J., R.W. Kates, D.P. Angel, S.L. Cutter, W.E. Easterling, and M.W. Mayfield, 2003. "The Research Strategy: Linking the Local to the Global." in Global Change in Local Places: Estimating, Understanding, and Reducing Greenhouse Gases, edited by The Association of American Geographers GCLPP Research Team. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 27-54.



Cutter, S.L., M.S. Scott, and A.A. Hill, 2002. "Spatial Variability in Toxicity Indicators Used to Rank Chemical Risks," American Journal of Public Health, 92(3):420-422.

Cutter, S.L., R. Golledge, and W.L. Graf, 2002. “The Big Questions in Geography,” The Professional Geographer, 54(3): 305-317.

Cutter, S.L., J.E. Painter, and M.T. Bartis, 2002. “Assessing Repetitive Flood Losses in South Carolina,” Final Report for the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Hazards Research Lab, Department of Geography, University of South Carolina, 52 pp.

David, S., W.L. Graf, and S. Baish, 2002. “The Complex Decision-Making Process for Removing Dams,” Environment, 44: 20-31.

Dow, K. and S.L. Cutter, 2002. "Emerging Hurricane Evacuation Issues: Hurricane Floyd and South Carolina," Natural Hazards Review, (3)1:12-18.

Graf, W.L., J. Stomberg, and B. Valentine, 2002. "Rivers, Dams, and Willow Flycatchers: A Summary of Their Science and Policy Connections,” Geomorphology 47: 169-188.

James, L.A., J. Harbor, D. Fabell, D. Dahms, and D. Elmore, 2002. “Late Pleistocene Glaciations in the Northwestern Sierra Nevada, California,” Quaternary Research, 57: 409-419.

Lloyd, R., M.E. Hodgson, and A. Stokes, 2002. "Visual Categorization with Aerial Photographs,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 92(2): 241-266.

Mock, C.J., 2002. “Regional Climates of Russia.” In P.M. Anderson and A. Lozhkin, (eds.) Late Quaternary Vegetation and Climate of Siberia and the Russian Far East Northeast Science Center, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences.Magadann, Russia.

Mock, C.J., 2002. “The 17th Biennial Meeting at Anchorage, Alaska, August 8-11, 2002,” The Quaternary Times, 32(2): 1-3.

Mock, C.J., 2002. “Documentary Records of Past Climate and Tropical Cyclones from the Southeastern United States,” PAGES News 10: 20-21.

Mock, C.J., 2002. Report on “Workshop on Atlantic Basin Paleohurricanee Reconstructions from High Resolution Records,” The Quaternary Times, 32: 7.

National Research Council, 2002. Research Opportunities in Geography at the U.S. Geological Survey. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 130 p. (W.L. Graf as Principal Author).

Steinbruchh, F., M. Gall, and F. Jose, 2002. “Remote Sensing and GIS for Documentation and Evaluation of the Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact of the 2000 Floods in Central Mozambique,” The International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 34(6): 59-65.

Thomas, D.S.K., S.L. Cutter, M. Hodgson, M.Gutekunst, and S. Jones, 2002. "Use of Spatial Data and Geographic Technologies in Response to the September 11 Terrorist Attack," Quick Response Report #153, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado.



Birkeland, K.W. and C.J. Mock, 2001. "The Major Snow Avalanche Cycle of February 1986 in the Western United States," Natural Hazards, 24: 75-95.

Birkeland, K.W., C.J. Mock, and J.J. Shinker, 2001. "Avalanche Extremes and Atmospheric Circulation Patterns," Annals of Glaciology, 32: 135-140.

Carbone, G., C. Locke, T. Filippi, B. Kiechle, J. Rainman, J. Sadler, B. Gerwig, and D. Evans, 2001. "Using Remote Sensing and Modeling to Measure Crop Biophysical Variability," in P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust and W.E. Larson, Proceedings of the Fifth International Precision Agricultural Conference, ASAA, CSSAA, and SSS, Madison, WI, 16 pp.

Cutter, S.L., (ed.). 2001. American Hazardscapes: The Regionalization of Hazards and Disasters. Washington D.C.: Joseph Henry Press.

Cutter, S. L., 2001. "The Changing Nature of Risks and Hazards," in S.L. Cutter (ed.), American Hazardscapes: The Regionalization of Hazards and Disasters. Washington D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, pp.1-12.

Cutter, S.L., 2001. "Charting a Course for the Next Two Decades," in S.L. Cutter (ed.), American Hazardscapes: The Regionalization of Hazards and Disasters. Washington D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, pp. 157-165.

Cutter, S.L., M.E. Hodgson, and K. Dow. 2001. "Subsidized Inequities: The Spatial Patterning of Environmental Risks and Federally-Assisted Housing," Urban Geography, 22(1): 29-53.

Cutter, S.L., A.A. Hill, and S.D. Jones. 2001. Hazardous Materials Flow Analysis Phase Three – South Carolina’s Midlands. Final Project Report to the South Carolina Emergency Preparedness Division.

Cutter, S.L., 2001. "Environmental Disasters," in C. Kramarae and D. Spender (eds.), Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women's Issues and Knowledge, Volume 2. New York: Routledge, pp. 606-608.

Cutter, S.L., 2001. "A Research Agenda for Vulnerability Science and Environmental Hazard," IHDPP Update, Newsletter of the IHDPP Number 2: 8-9.

Cutter, S.L., 2001. "The Geography of Hazard Events and Losses," Natural Hazards Observer XXVI (1) September: 3-4.

Cutter, S.L. and J.T. Mitchell, 2001. "Environmental Adaptation and Adjustments," in N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (7). New York: Elsevier Science. pp. 4576-4580.

Dow, K. and S.L. Cutter, 2001. "Public Orders and Personal Opinions: Household Strategies for Hurricane Risk Assessment," Environmental Hazards, 2: 143-155.

Finney, B., M. Edwards, N. Bigelow, V. Barber, and C. Mock, 2001. “Late Quaternary Paleohydrology in Eastern Beringa: A Multidisciplinary Study – Phase I.” Paleotimes, 10: 13.

Hill, A.A. and S.L. Cutter, 2001. "Methods for Determining Disaster Proneness", in S.L. Cutter (ed.), American Hazardscapes: The Regionalization of Hazards and Disasters. Washington D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, pp. 13-36.

Hodgson, M.E. and S.L. Cutter, 2001. "Mapping and the Spatial Analysis ofHazardscapess", in S.L. Cutter (ed.) American Hazardscapes: The Regionalization of Hazards and Disasters. Washington D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, pp. 37-60.

Kasperson, R.E., J.X. Kasperson, and K. Dow, with contributions from Exequiel Ezcurra, Diana M.Liverman, J. Kenneth Mitchell, Samuel J.Ratick, Timothy O’Riordan, and Peter Timmermann. 2001. "Introduction: Global Environmental Risk and Society," In: J.X. Kasperson and R.E. Kasperson (eds). Global Environmental Risk. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. pp. 1-48.

Kasperson, R.E., J.X. Kasperson, and K. Dow, 2001. "Vulnerability, Equity and Global Environmental Change." In: J.X. Kasperson and R.E. Kasperson (eds). Global Environmental Risk, Tokyo: United Nations University Press. pp. 247-272.

Mitchell, J.T. and D.S.K. Thomas, 2001. "Trends in Disaster Losses," in S.L. Cutter (ed.), AmericanHazardscapess: The Regionalization of Hazards and Disasters. Washington D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, pp. 77-114.

Mock, C.J., and M.P. Lawson, 2001. "Meteorological Experiences, Climatic Variability, and Overland Trail Emigrants," Journal of the West, 40: 10-17.

O'Connor, R.E., R. Bord, K. Dow, and B. Yarnal, 2001. "Risk Perceptions of Natural Hazards: Community Water System Managers in Pennsylvania and South Carolina," In: Yacov Y. Haimes, David A. Moser, and Eugene Z. Stakhiv (eds). Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources IX, Reston: VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 87-95.

Ramsey, E., M. Hodgson, S. Sapkota, S. Laine, G. Nelson, and D. Chappell, 2001. "Forest Impact Estimated with NOAA AVHRR and Landsat TM Data Related to a Predicted Hurricane Windfield Distribution," Remote Sensing of the Environment, 77(3): 279-292.

Thomas, D.S.K. and J.T. Mitchell, 2001. "Which are the Most Hazardous States?" in S.L. Cutter (ed.), American Hazardscapes: The Regionalizationn of Hazards and Disasters. Washington D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, pp. 115-156.



Carbone, G.J. and D.M. Yow, 2000. "Orlando Florida’s Urban Heat Island," Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society. 469-471.

Cutter, S.L., J.T. Mitchell, and M.S. Scott, 2000. "Revealing the Vulnerability of People and Places: A Case Study of Georgetown County, South Carolina," Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 90(4): 713-737.

Dow, K. and S.L. Cutter, 2000. "Public Orders and Personal Opinions: Household Strategies for Hurricane Risk Assessment," Environmental Hazards, 2(4): 143-155.

Mearns, L.O., G.J. Carbone, W. Gao, L. McDaniel, E. Tsvetsinskayaa, B. McCarl, and R. Adams, 2000. "The Issue of Spatial Scale in Integrated Assessments: An example of Agriculture in the Southeastern U.S." Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Global Change Studies, American Meteorological Society, pp. 38-41.

Mitchell, J.T., 2000. "The Hazards of One’s Faith: Hazard Perceptions of South Carolina Christian Clergy," Environmental Hazards, 2(1): 25-41.

Mitchell, J.T., D.S.K. Thomas, A.A. Hill, and S.L. Cutter, 2000. "Catastrophe in Reel Life versus Real Life: Perpetuating Disaster Myth through Film," International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 18 (3): 383-402.

Mock, C.J. and K.W. Birkelandd, 2000. "Snow Avalanche Climatology of the Western United States Mountain Ranges," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 81: 2367-2392.

Mock, C.J., 2000. "Rainfall in the Garden of the U.S. Great Plains, 1870-1889," Climatic Change, 44: 173-195.



Comfort, L., B. Wisner, S.L. Cutter, R. Pulwarty, K. Hewitt, A. Oliver-Smith, J. Weiner, M. Fordham, W. Peacock, and F. Krimgold, 1999. "Reframing Disaster Policy: The Global Evolution of Vulnerable Communities," Environmental Hazards, 1(1): 39-44.

Cutter, S.L., D.S.K. Thomas, M.E. Cutler, J.T. Mitchell, and M.S. Scott, 1999. South Carolina Atlas of Environmental Risks and Hazards. Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press.

Dow, K.,1999. "The Extraordinary and the Everyday in Explanations of Vulnerability to an Oil Spill," Geographical Review. 89(1): 74-93.

Dow, K.,1999. "Caught in the Currents: Pollution, Risk, and Marine Space," The Professional Geographer, 51(3):414-426.

Dow, K., P. Burns, and S.L. Cutter, 1999. "To Stay of Leave: Residents’ Evaluation of Hurricane Evacuation Warnings," Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences, F.A. Schoolmaster (Ed.), Charlotte, NC. 22: 107-114.

Duvall, M.L., T.A. Ager, P.M. Anderson, P.J. Bartlein, N.H. Bigelow, J.B. Grette, L.B. Brubaker, L.C. Cwynar, M.E. Edwards, W.R. Eisner, S.A. Elias, B.P. Finney, O Y. Glushkova, F.S. Hu, D.S. Kaufman, A.V. Lozhkin, C.J. Mock, M.A. Trumpe, and R.S. Webb, 1999. Paleoenvironmentall Atlas of Beringia: A Regional Data Synthesis Presented in an Electronic Form," Quaternary Research, 52: 270-271.

Ellis, M.S., S.B. Robers, and H.C. Power, 1999. "National Coal Assessment, 1999 Resource Assessment of Selected Tertiary Coal Beds and Zones in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Region," US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1625-A.

James, L.A. 1999. "Time and the Persistence of Alluvium: River Engineering, Fluvial Geomorphology and Mining Sediment in California," Geomorphology, 31: 265-290.

Minghi, J.V., and S.L. Cutter, 1999. "Political Processes and Global Environmental Change in the Next Millennium" in Landscape and Sustainability, Global Change, Mediterranean Historic Centres: From Rediscovery to Exploitation, E.Manzii and M. Schmidt di Freidberg (Eds.), 301-313, Guerini, Milan, Italy.

Mitchell, J.T., D.S.K. Thomas, and S.L. Cutter, 1999. "Dumping in Dixie Revisited: The Evolution of Environmental Inequities in South Carolina," Social Science Quarterly, 80(2): 229-243.

Mock, C.J. and A.R. Brunelle-Daines, 1999. "A Modern Analogue of Western United States Summer Paleoclimatee at 6000 Years Before Present," The Holocene, 9: 541-545.

Thomas, D.S.K., J.T. Mitchell, M.S. Scott, and S.L. Cutter, 1999. "Developing a Digital Atlas of Environmental Risks and Hazards," Journal of Geography, 98(5): 201-207.



Cutter, S.L. and W.H. Renwick, 1998. Exploitation, Conservation, Preservation: A Geographical Perspective on Natural Resource Use, 3rd Edition. New York: Wiley.

Dow, K. and S.L. Cutter, 1998. "Crying Wolf: Repeat Responses to Hurricane Evacuation Orders," Coastal Management, 26: 237-252.

Mitchell, J.T., 1998. "Accepting a Locally Unwanted Land Use: Illuminating the Decision Process with a Neural Network," Southeastern Geographer, 38(2): 112-124.



Collins, R.F. Jr., 1997. "Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Hugo on Coastal South Carolina Through Digital Image Change Detection," Southeastern Geographer, 37(1): 76-84.

Cutter, S.L. and M. Ji, 1997. "Trends in US Hazardous Materials Transportation Spills," Professional Geographer, 49(3):318-331.

Mitchell, J.T., 1997. "Can Hazard Risk be Communicated through a Virtual Experience?" Disasters, 21(3): 258-266.

Mitchell, J.T. and S.L. Cutter, 1997. "Global Change and Environmental Hazards: Is the World Becoming More Disastrous?" Washington D.C.: Association of American Geographers.

Mitchell, J.T., M.S. Scott, D.S.K. Thomas, M. Cutler, P.D. Putnam, R.F. Collins, and S.L. Cutter, 1997. "Mitigating Against Disaster: Assessing Hazard Vulnerability at the Local Level," GISSLISS '97 Proceedings, Bethesda: ACSMM,ASPRSS, AM/FM,AAGG,URISAA, pp. 563-571.

Scott, M.S. and S.L. Cutter, 1997. "Using Relative Risk Indicators to Disclose Toxic Hazard Information to Communities," Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 24(3): 158-171.

Scott, M.S., S.L. Cutter, C. Menzell, M. Ji, and D. Wagner, 1997. "Spatial Accuracy of the EPA's Environmental Hazards Databases and Their Use in Environmental EquityAnalysess," Applied Geographic Studies, 1(1): 45-61.



Cutter, S.L., 1996. "Vulnerability in Environmental Hazards," Progress in Human Geography 20(4): 529-539.

Cutter, S.L., 1996. "Societal Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards," International Social Science Journal, 47(4): 525-536.

Cutter, S.L., D. Holm, and L. Clark, 1996. "The Role of Geographic Scale in Monitoring Environmental Justice," Risk Analysis, 16(4): 517-26.

Cutter, S.L. and W.D. Solecki, 1996. "Setting Environmental Justice in Space and Place: Acute and Chronic Airborne Toxic Releases in the Southeastern US," Urban Geography, 17(5): 380-99.

Kasperson, R.E., J.X. Kasperson, and K. Dow, 1996. "Global Environmental Risk and Society," in J.X. Kasperson and R.E. Kasperson (eds.), Global Environmental Risk. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.

Scott, M.S. and S.L. Cutter, 1996. "Environmental Equity and GIS: An Analysis of the Assumptions," in T. Harris and D. Weiner (eds.), GIS and Society: The Social Implications of How People, Space, and Environment Are Represented in GIS. NCGIA Technical Paper.


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