Travis Gardner
CAS Undeclared Academic Advisor II
Choosing a major before you even step foot on campus can be daunting. It may make
sense to intentionally explore different majors and gain experience in different disciplines
before declaring a major. If you are a prospective incoming freshman, you can apply
as an "Undeclared" student to work with a dedicated Undeclared Advisor to guide you
through course and major selection.
Read the important information below about being Undeclared in your first year at
Students who are admitted to USC as Undeclared will be assigned an Undeclared Academic Advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences. The College of Arts and Sciences is a great place for undeclared students to explore academics at USC because it is home to over 100 majors that span the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences.
As an undeclared first year student, you will work with your Academic Advisor to determine the classes that will be the most informative for selecting your future program of study and ensuring timely progress towards graduation. As you approach the end of your freshman year, your Academic Advisor will help determine which major at USC is the best fit for you and guide you through the declaration process.
While you can apply to USC as 'Undeclared', there are special considerations to know about becoming an “Undeclared” student. These considerations may affect your time to graduation, tuition and fees, financial aid, and eligibility for special programs.
To learn more about being Undeclared in the College of Arts & Sciences, contact one of the Undeclared Academic Advisors.
CAS Undeclared Academic Advisor II
As a Gamecock you have countless resources to help you find out what you want to do, where your strengths lie, and how to find your course at USC!
Take advantage of the Advising Center’s self-assessments to get a head start on matching your unique skill set to the majors offered at USC. Your Undeclared Advisor will help you evaluate and understand the results of your self-assessment(s)!
Learn about career paths—those you think you know about and those you didn’t know existed! Career exploration will help you plan for life after graduation and learn the different academic paths that can lead to the career of your dreams!