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College of Arts and Sciences

  • students work in a real world design lab

More choices on campus and your career

You can launch any career through the College of Arts and Sciences. That’s because you’ll graduate with experiences that prepare you for your next step, as well as skills that build the foundation for a flexible career.

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A major doesn't define your career

With Arts and Sciences, you’ll have the leeway to chart your own path to find and pursue the career you want.

Our graduates are singer-songwriters and creative chemists. Digital marketers and dolphin trainers. Authors, illustrators and oceanographers. Crime fighters and climatologists. Reformers, researchers, money managers and more.

Although you have a major (or more than one!) to focus on, you'll also get a broad education, inside and outside the classroom. You'll build your resume, but you'll gain skills that lay the foundation for your future.

In fact, employers aren't only looking for on-the-job knowledge that you'll gain in the classrooms and internships. According to the Forbes Human Resources Council, they seek knowledgeable workers with flexible skills, such as:

  • A growth mindset -- Employers want to hire people who look for ways to grow professionally and personally.
  • Continuous learning -- Agile learners have a better chance at long-term success.
  • Critical thinking -- Businesses look for innovative problem solvers.
  • Adaptability and grit -- Overcoming obstacles builds confidence.
  • Resilience and curiosity -- Curious people pursue new concepts with passion.
  • Flexibility -- Employees who adapt with changing circumstances can stay ahead.
  • Dedication -- Effective workers do what’s best for their teams.
  • Coaching mindset -- Effective leaders connect, engage and collaborate.
  • Comfort with ambiguity -- Versatile workers are comfortable with constantly shifting situations.
  • Ability to thrive in a virtual environment -- Tomorrow’s workers know how to leverage responsiveness, technology and visibility in remote roles.

Don't just take our word for it. Meet a few alumni who have launched their flexible careers through the College of Arts and Sciences.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
